Can you please excuse me for a second... ... I need to stow the "Cheating & Plagiarism" link somewhere so that I can refer to it in my classes. OK, please continue on with your business.
An archive (a tiny but growing archive) of classes that I have taught...
One fun class... CSC 210 Data Structures and Algorithms
Well, at least I had fun.
he he... yow, bill
One massive class this term... CSC 453 Systems Analysis
misty water-colored memories... yow, bill
Just one tiny class... CSC 457 Software Quality and Reliability
just ab and jg and mm... yow, bill
run faster bill... yow, bill
The three-fer:
CSC 454/554 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design |
IFS 106 Information Management Using Databases |
IFS 104 Problem-solving Using Spreadsheets |
uh-huh... yow, bill
Four classes... four times the bone-jarring fun:
yikes... yow, bill
I got yelled at (in hilarious fashion) by some bureaucratic nabob in administration for calling this term "Winter 2005," as they seem fit to call a class given in December 2005, the "Winter 2006." Whatever. Just enjoy the goodness:
And here's a real Winter 2006 class for you:
CSC 230Discrete Math
IFS 104Problem-solving using Spreadsheets
CSC 480Digital Logic & Computer DesignWinter 2004 term
IFS 104Problem-solving using Spreadsheets
CSC 220Computer System Concepts
CSC 161Introduction to Programming II
CSC 161Introduction to Programming II
CSC 160Introduction to Programming
CSC 420"Operating Systems" Spring fresh Operating Systems at:
CSC 480/580"Digital Logic & Computer Design" We meet monday and Wednesday nights over chips and dip... check it out: |
IFS 115"Web Page Development" We are an elite strike team that meets 8:00 am on Saturday mornings. Hey, is this web design or ice fishing? |