CSC 454 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design

Fall 2006 Term

"The perfect is the enemy of the good" - Voltaire (wikiquote)

Syllabus ~~~ Homework ~~~ Project ~~~ Favorites

Nov 18, 2006

Our last class... the first third will be lecture, the second third will be project time, and the final third will be the Final Exam. More details: Class #6 outline

I will lecture on DPE 14, 15... some OO apple pie. I will also talk briefly about the Composite pattern.

The Final Exam:

  •  Will take place Saturday Nov 18th
  •  Will be 2 hours long
  •  Please bring 1 side of 1 page of notes
  •  Will be comprehensive with a strong emphasis on the following 2nd half topics:
    •  More design pattern principles.... DPE 14
    •  Commonality and variability analysis.... DPE 15
    •  Aspect-oriented programming, aspectJ... lecture
    •  OO background: structured analysis, cognitive modeling, Parnas & information hiding... lecture
    •  Other OO analysis methods: Eiffel, XP planning game, objects as state machines, ROOM... lecture
    •  UML to code clarification... lecture
    •  Facade pattern... DPE 6
    •  Adapter pattern... DPE 7
    •  Abstract Factory pattern... DPE 11
    •  Singleton pattern... DPE 21
    •  Template Method pattern... DPE 19
    •  Command pattern.... handout
    •  Factory-related patterns... DPE 20-24
    •  CRC cards... handout & lecture
    •  Any project-related material on RUP, iterative development, agile methods, extreme programming, analysis, etc... Larman 1-10, 12, 14, 40
  •  Please note that Grad students will have a killer question on the exam regarding the Composite pattern. Undergrads will have a much easier question on the Command pattern.
  •  You can see the midterm topics by scrolling down into the recent past.

So, lecture, some project time, 10-15 minutes to refuel, and then the Final. Please email any questions you may have.

thanks... yow, bill


Nov 11, 2006

Ah, it's "Pairs Programming" weekend. We'll all meet Saturday morning (at various times) in the 2nd floor lab to do some pairs programming for our projects.

I'll also have handouts regarding iteration 3 of the project. I have updated the Project page which you can check out. I will have an iteration 3 planning meeting with each team.

thanks... yow, bill


Nov 4, 2006

It's all here in my outline for class #5.

race you there... yow, bill


Oct 28, 2006

No class this Saturday, of course.

I will be in Champaign Saturday, so I will only be available for office hours on Sunday. Please email to schedule an appointment.

I have updated the Project page with details concerning Iteration 2. Email me with your concerns. Also, if you want to transfer artifacts in person on Sunday, then I can extend your Iteration 1 deadline to Sunday. Otherwise, you can either email me your stuff, or place it on the k: drive. Just let me know.

thanks... yow, bill


Oct 21, 2006

Here's the outline for class #4.

Please read the following before class:

  •  "Design Patterns Explained" - Read all the factory chapters. That includes Chapter 11, which you should already have read for homework #4, and chapters 20-24.
  •  The article "A Laboratory For Teach Object-Oriented Thinking" by Kent Beck. I handed out copies of this article before the midterm last class (I think), and the link is here: We will use this article to launch into a lecture on CRC cards.

Homework #5 is posted and will be due Oct 21.

thanks... yow, bill


Oct 8, 2006

I am this weekend's host of Computer Science Pizza Night from 5-7 pm at Carnegie 113. Join me for free pizza, CS chatter (the project or Java or whatever), and more!

chomp... yow, bill


Oct 7, 2006

Regarding the midterm:

  •  It's this Saturday, the last third of class... an hour, hour and a half or so
  •  It's worth 20 points, or 20% of your final grade.
  •  You are encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes to use during the exam.
  •  It will cover the following topics:
    •  OO Analysis & Design... Larman 1
    •  Iterative/agile development... Larman 2
    •  Inception phase... Larman 3-7
    •  Domain models... Larman 8, 9
    •  Sequence diagrams... Larman 10
    •  OO paradigm... DPE 1
    •  UML... DPE 2
    •  Design patterns... DPE 5
    •  Strategy pattern... DPE 9
    •  Observer pattern... DPE 18
    •  Decorator pattern... DPE 17
    • OO principles... my lecture notes

We've done three homework problems now, going from 1) problem description to 2) UML to 3) class definitions in C++ or Java. Sounds like I consider this notion important. Hint!

Next Saturday... outline for class #3

see ya... yow, bill

PS - Yes, we're still working out some of the kinks on the class blog.


Sep 30, 2006

I will have office hours from 9:00 to noon. We might do some Java in the lab. Drop me an email if you are planning on joining George and I.

thanks... yow, bill


Sep 28, 2006

Matt and Richard have succeeded in setting up a class blog. I have sent y'all email regarding this, but in case you're not checking:

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account on blogger
  3. Post a reply or comment to my "Ant" post

When everyone is on board, then we'll start a project thread and run!

faster... yow, bill


Sep 23, 2006

Class #2 will focus on OO analysis. Same time, same place... and a lecture outline later in the week, if you're interested.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Homework #2 is posted on the homework page and is due Saturday.

PPS - And our tentative outline for class #2

PPS - Here's the ITS web site on accessing Noctrl drives from home/dorm: ... this interface has gotten mixed reviews from my IFS 106 students. I am still an advocate of the USB key or email it to your Noctrl account and copy paradigm.


Sep 16, 2006

Our first class... 8:00 in the morning at 113 Carnegie, I believe.

Bring your solution to the first assignment (and your caffeinated beverage of choice) with you.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - For your approval, these are the six (sigh) Saturday morning class meeting that we have scheduled:

  1. Sep 16
  2. Sep 23
  3. Oct 7 - midterm?
  4. Oct 21
  5. Nov 4
  6. Nov 18 - final!

PPS - I'm building a tentative, but more detailed, outline for class #1, if you're interested


Sep 7, 2006

I just got word from Celeste at the bookstore that one of our textbooks "Applying UML and Patterns" won't be available there until September 13th. Fortunately, the first homework focuses on some reading from the "other" text.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - BTW, don't forget your homework due by the first class!


Aug 10, 2006

Hi. Welcome to CSC 454/554, OO Analysis and Design.

You're best place for information about the class is the syllabus. We meet on Saturday mornings (gasp) and each class will entail some design problem or other. I'll probably also have a page of my favorite links in the world, as well.

This assignment is due before our first class: Homework #1

Please note that the the syllabus is subject to change until our first class meeting.


thanks... yow, bill