IFS 104

Problem Solving Using Spreadsheets... Fall 2004 Term

Course details are here... IFS 104 Syllabus

This web site applies to both the Tuesday and Thursday sections of IFS 104

Weekly Planner

Follow along this term with the weekly planner below. Typically, class will be split into two halves. First, I will blather on some new material. Then, I will set you loose to complete lab and/or homework assignments.

Fixed list into reverse chronological order.

Week 10 (Nov 16, 18)

  • Pre-lecture: Instructor review sheets
  • Lecture: Final exam review
  • Quiz: 1 point quiz based on page 368
  • Due: Projects are due by noon Tuesday/Thursday! Sorry, but I cannot accept late projects due to the proximity of the Final Exam.

Final Exam

  • When: Tuesday November 23rd at 10:00 am - 11:50 am
  • Where: Our normal meeting place, Carnegie 210 lab
  • What:
    • Worth 40 points, or 40% of your grade
    • Is comprehensive, though the focus will be on material in Chapters 4-6.
    • Will take 110 minutes
    • Will have two parts: written and computer, like the midterm
    • You are allowed 1 side of 1 page (8.5"x11" or less) of notes during the exam.

*** Please Note: Thursday Section - You final exam is on Tuesday! ***

Week 9 (Nov 9, 11)

  • Lecture: Chapter 6 wrap, Chapter 5 fine-tuning, project hints
  • Reminder: Projects are due week 10. Read about it: IFS 104 Project
  • Announcement: 1 point quiz next week based on the questions on page 368, advanced filtering

Followed by...

  • Lab will be spent finishing Chapter 6 homework and working on projects

Week 8 (Nov 2, 4)

  • Lecture: Chapter 6 Templates, multiple worksheets
  • Reminder: Projects are due week 10. Read about it: IFS 104 Project

Followed by...

  • Due: Lab #5, Homework #5
  • Lab #6: Apply Your Knowledge 1, In the Lab 1, 2 on pages 455-460
  • Homework #6: Cases & Places 1, 2, and 4 on pages 462-464

Week 7 (Oct 26, 28)

  • Lecture: Chapter 5 Databases
  • Announced: Projects are due the last week of class. Read about it: IFS 104 Project

Followed by...

  • Due: Lab #4, Homework #4
  • Lab #5: In the Lab 1, 2 and 3 on pages 369-375
    • I have done the data entry for In the Lab 5.1. You can save time by starting with the workbook in the common area/lab folder on the k: drive.
  • HW #5: Cases & Places 1, 2 and 3 on page 376. Ayuda:
    • C&P 1 - use the vlookup() function
    • C&P 2 - use the data/sort menu
    • C&P 3 - use "advanced filtering", showing your criteria ranges and copying the filtering results
    • Everywhere you see a print, please save your workbook to a different file. For example, in Cases & Places 2, I had three files (cp2_a.xls, cp2_b.xls, cp2_c.xls), one for each part of the problem.

Week 6 (Oct 19, 21)

  • Lecture: Chapter 4 Financial Functions

Followed by...

  • Lab #4: In the Lab 1, 3 on pages 296-303
  • HW #4: Apply Your Knowledge 1, Cases & Places 2, 4 on pages 296-304

Week 5 (Oct 12, 14)

Midterm exam!

The Midterm:

  • is worth 30 points, or 30% of your grade,
  • will cover any of the material in Chapters 1-3, excluding web-related stuff like emailing and web queries,
  • will take 90 minutes,
  • and will have 2 parts: written and computer. Yes, you will complete actual spreadsheets during the exam.

You are allowed 1 side of 1 page (8.5"x11" or less) of notes during the exam.

The computer portion of the exam will be similar to your homework. The written portion will test your knowledge of spreadsheets, Excel, terminology, and such.

Midterm note to Tuesday section students - I will not be in class Tuesday for the Midterm. The test is still on and will be administered by Prof. Muganda.

Midterm note to Thursday section students - I'll be back for your midterm, but Tuesday's office hours are canceled. I'll be in class Thursday at 9:30 am if you have questions/issues prior to the exam.

Week 4 (Oct 5, 7)

  • Lecture: Midterm preview... details coming soon.

followed by...

  • Due: Lab #3, Homework #3
  • Quiz: 1 point quiz based on the questions on page 211

Week 3 (Sep 28, 30)

  • Lecture: Chapter 3 What-if Analysis

followed by...

  • Due: Lab #2, Homework #2
  • Lab #3: In the Lab 1, 3 on pages 212-221
  • Homework #3: Cases & Places 1, 2, 4 on pages 222-223

Week 2 (Sep 21, 23)

  • Lecture: Chapter 2 Formulas

followed by...

  • Due: Lab #1, Homework #1
  • Lab #2: In The Lab 1, 2 on pages 132-136
  • Homework #2: Cases & Places 1, 2, 4 on pages 140-143

Also, I am going to try an experiment. I will be available in the lab 30 minutes prior to class starting to answer any questions you may have... sort of a mini-office hours deal.

Week 1 (Sep 14, 16)

  • Lecture: Chapter 1 Worksheets and Charts

and then...

  • Lab #1: In The Lab 1-3 on pages EX58-EX62
  • Homework #1: Apply Your Knowledge 1 on page EX57. Cases & Places 1, 3 on pages EX63-EX64


Back to william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu Email me at wtkrieger@noctrl.edu