CSC 230

Discrete Math

Fall 2004 term


*CSC 230*





Dec 2, 2004

Well, that's a wrap. Grades are up on Merlin, or you can email me. Thanks to all for your efforts in class. It was a lot of fun.

Good luck and happy holidays... yow, bill


Nov 18, 2004, second notice

Final Exam study session

This Sunday 10:00 am in our classroom

Be there or...

thanks... yow, bill

Nov 18, 2004

Final Exam!

  • When/where: Tuesday November 23, 6:30-8:20 pm, same old classroom
  • 30 points, or 30% of your grade
    • 75% covering new material: sections 8.1-8.3, 9.1, 9.4-9.5, 10.1-10.4, 11.1
    • 25% covering material from Exam 1
  • You may bring one side of one page of notes
  • You may also bring your notes from Exam 1 (one side, one page)
  • Questions similar to homework problems

Nov 4, 2004

Hey all, for planning purposes... we have 5 classes left:

  • Thu 11/04 (today): Homework #10 due; lecture on Sections 9.1, 9.4, 9.5
  • Tue 11/09: Homework #11 due; lecture on Chapter 10
  • Thu 11/11: Lecture on Chapter 10
  • Tue 11/16: Homework #12 due; lecture on Chapter 11
  • Thu 11/18: Wrap-up, clean-up, break-down for Final Exam

Oct 22, 2004

Exam 2 will be on Tuesday November 2. It will cover sections: 4.1-4.4, 5.1, 6.1, 6.5, and 7.1-7.6.

Same drill as last time...

  • one side of one page of notes, 
  • similar to the homework problems,
  • 90 minutes long,
  • 25% of your grade

Oct 9, 2004

Homework/reading is posted. Lecture on Tuesday will cover sections 4.2-4.4. thanks... yow, bill

Oct 4, 2004

Exam 1 will be:

  • this Thursday night,
  • worth 25 points, or 25% of your grade,
  • 90 minutes long,
  • about any of the material in Chapter 1 (all sections), Section 2.7, Sections 3.1-3.4
  • like your homework mostly

I will provide you a copy of the tables on pages 24 and 58, like the one I handed out in class. You are allowed one side of one page of notes during the exam.

run... yow, bill

Sep 24, 2004

Per the close of class yesterday, I moved the Section 3.1 homework from Tuesday to Thursday. Schedule for the next 2 weeks:

Tue 9/28

Lecture 3.1, 3.2

Thu 9/30

Lecture 3.3, 3.4

Tue 10/5

Exam #1 review/cleanup

Thu 10/7

Exam #1

Have a great weekend... yow, bill

Sep 23, 2004

Let's talk Exam #1. I propose week 4, Thursday October 4. We'll chat about it tonight. thanks... yow, bill

Sep 16, 2004

I'll surely ask you to complete "something" for each class, so please check the Homework link for items due for each class. Only special new flashes will appear here.

thanks... yow, bill

Sep 8, 2004

Welcome to Discrete Math.

Class starts September 14, Tuesday at 6:30 pm. We'll meet at 13 Carnegie Hall. Be there or... My email is below if you have any questions.

yow, bill

PS - The syllabus is up. Click away.