CSC 220

Computer System Concepts

Spring 2006 Term

Links: Syllabus, Programs, Etc


Hey, I'll post the latest, greatest news and assignments for class right here...

That's a wrap

Th-Th-That's all folks. Two more things:

  1. All the code, documentation and examples for all three teams for the S-7000 project are in the common area of the k: drive. Check it out; it's pretty cool.
  2. I may look into teaching a directed study flavor of CSC 480 in the fall. If you want to be notified if this goes down, then email me and I'll keep you on the list,

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Last one... this is a cool blurb on chips made out of man-made diamonds, and the perpetual battle to continue the march of Moore's Law:

Final Exam: Weds Jun 7, 2006

The CSC 220 Final Exam will be:

  • On Wednesday June 7, 2006 from 10:00 am to noon in our usual room.
  • Worth 30% of your final grade.
  • Comprehensive with an emphasis on new material like:
    • Sections 4.5, 4.6
    • Chapter 5 The Instruction Set Architecture Level
    • Chapter 7 The Assembly Language Level
    • Our team project, the S-7000
    • IA-32 assembly code
  • You may bring 1 side of 1 page of notes, eh.

I will hold a free (yow!) study session at noon on Monday for any who wish to ask questions about the Final Exam. We'll meet at my office and move from there depending on how many people show up. Offer not valid in Tennessee.

Week 10: May 29-Jun 2, 2006


  • Fri: Program/Project #3, The Sophocles-7000

Monday  - No class on Memorial Day... Noctrl Holiday Schedule

Wednesday - Chapter 5 lecture

Friday - Final Exam preview... projects are due at the end of the day

Note: Our Final Exam will be Wednesday June 7 at 10:00 am... Noctrl Final Exam Schedule

Week 9: May 22-26, 2006


  • Mon: Chapter 7 reading/notes
  • Mon: Project milestones
  • Wed: Project milestones
  • Fri: Project milestones

Monday  - We'll chitchat on your project milestones and status, and then I'll lecture on Chapter 7.

Wednesday - Project status reports... Chapter 7 lecture

Friday - Project status reports... Chapter 5 lecture

BTW, no class next Monday May 29th on Memorial Day: Noctrl Holiday Schedule

Week 8: May 15-19, 2006


  • Mon: Exam #2
  • Fri: Project milestones
  • Fri: Chapter 7 reading/notes

Monday - Exam #2 will be from noon to 1:15... the details:

  • Worth 20% of your final grade
  • Will cover Sections 3.3-3.7, Sections 4.1-4.4, IA-32 assembly programming, and Programs #1 & #2.
  • You may bring 1 side of 1 page of notes

Wednesday - Cleanup lecture on sections we skipped.

Friday - Please read Chapter 7... I'll peak at your notes. Lecture on Chapter 7. Project milestones are due today.

Week 7: May 8-12, 2006

What's due:

  • Fri - Program #2
  • Next Mon - Exam #2

Monday - Lecture will continue on my Chapter 4 notes: IJVM Notes. We'll forge on to the pipelined version of our machine. Please note: I have added section 6 of the IJVM notes on speedups.

Wednesday - Chapter 4 lecture. We also have that mystery section from Chapter 3 to finish off. What was that one, Christy?

Friday - Exam #2 preview.

Week 6: May 1-5, 2006

I got a good question about using scanf() with local variables. I added an new example to show how to use scanf() with local variables to the "Some Examples" page under "Programs". It's called scanf2_mod.s.

enjoy... yow, bill

What's due:

  • Mon - Program #1

Monday - Lecture on Chapter 4 all week. Programs #2 and #3 are posted at the Programs page. We'll spend much of lecture going over my Chapter 4 notes: IJVM Notes. I'll pass out hardcopy of all this stuff today in class.

Wednesday - Chapter 4

Friday - Chapter 4

Week 5: Apr 24-28, 2006

What's due:

  • Wed - Read/notes on section 3.3-3.4
  • Fri - Quiz on sections 3.5-3.7... you can use your notes

Monday - We'll continue our survey of IA-32 assembly programming.

Wednesday - Lecture on sections 3.3-3.4

Friday - Quiz on sections 3.5-3.7... you can use your notes. I'll take your questions on program #1 and IA-32 in general.

And week 6? Looks like: Chapter 4, Program #1 is due Monday May 1, Program #2 will be assigned, and more!

Week 4: Apr 17-21, 2006

What's due:

  • Mon - HW #3 is due
  • Wed - Exam #1

Monday - We'll polish off HW #3 and the general Hamming Algorithm, and that will be the end of Exam #1 material. Speaking of Exam #1, we'll preview the exam.

Wednesday - Exam #1... details:

  • It'll be from noon to 1:15... so please get to class early
  • It's 20 points or 20% of your grade
  • It'll cover Ch 1 Introduction, Ch 2 Computer Systems, Section 3.1 & 3.2 on Digital Logic, Appendix A Binary Numbers, and Appendix B Floats
  • You can bring 1 side of 1 page of notes to the exam. No books or calculators or neighbors or whatever else.

Friday - Two changes in the plan; let's all step on the gas pedal and:

  1. I'll have your exams graded
  2. Please read my handout on IA-32 programming and read sections C.1-C.5. Take supple notes for your one point lecture grade. This will be difficult reading, but it will make lecture more productive.

BTW, click on the Programs link at the top, and Program #1 is out!

enjoy... yow, bill

Week 3: Apr 10-14, 2006

What's due:

  • Sun night - Cub sweep!
  • Mon - HW #2 is due
  • Mon - Read Chapter 3; I'll peek at your notes

Monday - we'll do any Chapter 2 cleanup (general Hamming Code algorithm) that we need to do, and then start on Chapter 3 The Digital Logic Level

Wednesday - Chapter 3 lecture, peek at the etc page, and two more things:

Good Friday - This Friday is Good Friday, and there will not be official class. I will be here (in our classroom) from noon to 1:00 for office hours. Come see me and I'll answer your questions, or we'll do some problems together.

I think I figured out the Exam #1 calculus... we'll have the first exam next Wednesday, the 19th. We'll talk about it.

thanks... yow, bill

Week 2: Apr 3-7, 2006

What's due:

  • Mon - HW #1 is due
  • Mon - Read Chapter 2

Monday - wrap-up any loose ends in Chapter 1, Appendix A and Appendix B... we should be completely done with these by the end of this lecture, start Chapter 2... I will look for your notes on Chapter 2!

Jeez, looking at my pile here, we probably won't get to Chapter 2 today. It's OK.

I like our author, Tannenbaum. Now, our text isn't exactly a model of modern pedagogical study (ha! the guy trumpets that he still uses troff, for goodness sake!), but our author is good for some funny quotes, especially in Chapter 1, the introduction. Some of my favorites...

  • page 7... "The lowest three levels [of a computer] are not designed for use by the average garden-variety programmer."
  • page 8... "Hardware is just petrified software." [actually someone else's quote, but whatever]
  • page 13... "Microprograms grew fat during the golden years of microprogramming (1960s and 1970s). They also tended to get slower and slower as they acquired more bulk."
  • page 36... "The author hereby predicts the end of civilization as we know it on Dec. 31, 9999, when 8000 years worth of old Cobol programs crash simultaneously."
  • page 36... "the true supercomputers are now a dying breed"
  • page 41... "These piecemeal extensions have resulted in an architecture that is not as elegant as it might have been had someone given the Pentium 4 architects 42 million transistors and instructions to start all over again." Amen!

Stay tuned... there are even better ones on the way.

Wednesday - Chapter 2 lecture

Friday - more Chapter 2 lecture... finish up? Hw #2 is now available and is due on Monday.

thanks... yow, bill

Week 1: Mar 27-31, 2006

Our first class is Monday March 27th, high noon, at 13 Carnegie.

My (tentative) plan is:

Monday - a little intro, maybe throw you into the assembly language pool right off the bat, we'll see.

Wednesday - we'll do some Appendix A problems, HW #1 is assigned

Friday - we'll cover Appendix B, which is fun

What's due:

  • Wed - read Appendix A
  • Fri - read Appendix B

race you there... yow, bill

Mar 1, 2006

Started this page.

Please note that everything (um, like the syllabus) is subject to change until our first class.

stay tuned... yow, bill



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