IFS 104 - Problem Solving Using Spreadsheets

Spring 2006 Term

Syllabus ~ Homework ~ Project

Done. June 6

That's a wrap, favorite 104 class. Your grades should be up on Merlin by Thursday (cough). You can email me for a more direct and timely grade update.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Last day of class, and look what I found. Go to the link below and you can test out the new online spreadsheet program from Google. Email me if you try this and let me know what you think.



Final Exam... June 6

The IFS 104 Final Exam will be:

  • Tuesday June 6, 2006 8:00-10:00 am in our usual room
  • Worth 40% of your final grade
  • Part written (about 1/4), part lab (about 3/4)
  • Comprehensive with a strong emphasis on 2nd half material: Chapters 4-6
  • You may bring 1 side of 1 page of notes to the exam

BTW, I have office hours the night before our Final Exam from 6:30-9:00... stop by.

Week 5 (our last)... May 30, June 1


  • Tue: Chapter 5 quiz
  • Tue: Lecture Chapter 6
  • Tue: Work on projects in the lab
  • Thu: Projects are due by the end of the day
  • Tue: HW #6 due
  • Thu: Final Exam preview

Note: Our Final Exam is on Tuesday June 6 at 8:00 am... Noctrl Final Exam schedule

Week 4... May 23, 25


  • Tue: Return midterm
  • Tue: Discuss term project... see link at the top
  • Tue: Hw #4 due
  • Tue: Chapter 5 lecture
  • Thu: Hw #5 due
  • Thu: Chapter 6 lecture

thanks... yow, bill

Week 3... May 16, 18


  • Tue: Midterm preview
  • Tue: Chapter 4 lecture
  • Thu: Midterm exam... details:
    • Worth 30% of your final grade
    • Covers any material in Chapters 1-3 of our text and any "Bill Special" concepts
    • Consists of written and lab problems (ala the homework)
    • You may use 1 side of 1 page of notes

thanks... yow, bill

Week 2... May 9, 11


  • Tue: Chapter 3 lecture
  • Tue: HW #2 due
  • Thu: Catch-up lecture
  • Thu: HW #3 due

thanks... yow, bill

Week 1... May 2, 4

Our first class is 8:00 am Tuesday May 2nd at 113 Carnegie. I'll race you there!


  • Tue: Chapter 1 lecture
  • Tue: Lab setup
  • Thu: HW #1 due
  • Thu: Chapter 2 lecture

Golly, I love Excel. And Microsoft. Cough. However, if one were interested in a free, open-source suite of Office-like applications, one could try: www.openoffice.org/

I have downloaded Open Office and tried it somewhat. No, it's not as good as the Microsoft stuff. Yes, it's free, and it works.

thanks... yow, bill



