IFS 104

Problem solving using spreadsheets

Spring 2005 term
Course details are here: IFS 104 Syllabus


Class assignments, planning, and activity will be logged below. Enjoy!

Mon May 2

Well. That's a wrap.

  •  Grades are up on Merlin.
  •  Please email/see me if you have questions about your grades: the course, final exam, project, whatever.

Good luck everyone... it was fun.

thanks... yow, bill


Thur Apr 28 (last class)

Final Exam! The Final will be a lot like the midterm:

  •  worth 40 points or 40% of your grade
  •  will be comprehensive, with an emphasis on Chapters 4-6
  •  will take entire class period
  •  will have 2 parts: written and computer
  •  you can bring/use 1 side of 1 8.5"x11" page of notes

Don't forget that the Term Project is due Saturday, April 30 at noon.


Tues Apr 26

Hey, no office hours today from 10 to noon. Sorry... yow, bill


  •  Due: non-Hw #6, non-Lab #6
  •  Lecture: Review Chapter 6 and non-Hw #6
  •  Lecture: Final Exam preview
  •  Lab: Work on any Chapter 6, Final Exam or project issues


Thur Apr 21


  •  Due: Hw#5, Lab #5
  •  Lecture: Chapter 6, Multiple worksheets
  •  non-Hw #6: Cases & Places 1, 2 and 4 on pages 462-464
  •  non-Lab #6: Apply Your Knowledge 1 on page 455 and In the Lab 2 on page 458-459.

You will not be graded on the non-assignments, but I encourage you to do as much as you need to understand this material. Can you do those homework problems? I will post my solution to the homework, and we will discuss it in class.


Tues Apr 19

This is week #4 of your 5-week turbo experience:

  •  Due today: Hw#4, Lab #4
  •  Lecture: Chapter 5, lists
  •  Hw #5: Cases & Places 1, 2 and 3 on page 376. It's all due next class. Some help, eh...
    • C&P 1 - use the vlookup() function
    • C&P 2 - use the data/sort menu
    • C&P 3 - use "advanced filtering", showing your criteria ranges and copying the filtering results
    • Everywhere you see a print, please save your workbook to a different file. For example, in Cases & Places 2, I had three files (cp2_a.xls, cp2_b.xls, cp2_c.xls), one for each part of the problem.
  •  Lab #5: In the Lab 1, 2 on pages 371-374. What steps you save as separate files is your call.


Thur Apr 14


  •  Lecture: Chapter 4, financial functions
  •  Hw #4: Apply Your Knowledge 1, Cases & Places 2, 4 on pages 296-304 is due next class
  •  Lab #4: In the Lab 1, 3 on pages 296-303


  •  Project: Check out our Term Project. It's due the Saturday after our last class, April 30th. We'll talk more about this in class.


Tues Apr 12

Midterm Exam!

The midterm is:

  •  30 points, or 30% of your grade
  •  will cover any of the material from Chapters 1-3
  •  will take around 90 minutes
  •  will have 2 parts: written and computer. Yes, you will use Excel to complete spreadsheets during the exam.

You are allowed to use 1 side of 1 8.5" x 11" page of notes on the exam. Yow!


Thur Apr 7


  •  Lecture: Midterm review
  •  Due today: Hw #3, Lab #3

OK, how do you get feedback on your Hw #3 before the midterm? Well, I will post my solution to Hw #3 on the k: drive shortly after class. Also, I will grade your homework and place the grading sheets outside my office (309 Carnegie) by noon Friday.


Tues Apr 5


  •  Lecture: Chapter 3 What-if analysis
  •  Due today: Hw #2, Lab #2


  •  Hw #3: Apply Your Knowledge (AYK) 1-8 on page EX 211; C&P 3, 4 on page EX 223.
  •  Lab #3: In the Lab 1, 2 on pages EX 212-218


Thur Mar 31

Class #2...

  •  Lecture: Chapter 2 Formulas
  •  Due: Hw #1, Lab #1

and then, due next class...

  •  Hw #2: Cases & Places 1, 2, 4 on pages 140-143
  •  Lab #2: In The Lab 1, 2 on pages 132-136


Tues Mar 29

First day of class... Tuesday March 29 at 13 Carnegie. Go...

  •  Lecture: We'll cover the introductory material from Chapter 1

and then...

  •  Hw #1: Apply Your Knowledge 1 on page EX57. Cases & Places 1, 3 on pages EX63-EX64
  •  Lab #1: In The Lab 1-3 on pages EX58-EX62

Both Hw #1 and Lab #1 are due next class, Thursday.

Here's a little introduction to working in the lab: Homework & Lab setup



william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu Email: wtkrieger@noctrl.edu