CSC 220 Computer System Concepts

Fall 2005 Term

Welcome to the Fall 2005 version of CSC 220. Enjoy these goodies:
  • Syllabus - general class information like grades, logistics, etc.
  • Programs - programming assignments and handouts
  • Etc - everything else


Announcements and the calendar of activities this term will appear below, so please visit this page liberally. Go:

Tue Nov 22

  • Final Exam! Same time (6:30), same place (Carnegie 113), and:
    • worth 25 points, or 25% of your grade
    • roughly 80% (20 points) will cover new material:
      • Chapter 3, sections 1-6
      • Chapter 4, sections 1-4... including my handouts of course
      • IA-32 assembly language programming'
    • remaining 20% will cover old material
    • you can bring one side of one page of notes on new material, and one side of notes on old material

Mon Nov 21

  • Special Final Exam office hours from 6:30-9:00 pm in my office (duh).

Sun Nov 20

  • Christine flies to Italy. Ha!

Fri Nov 18

  • Due: Program #3
  • Study notes: Hi guys. Here are some study notes for Chapter 3: Study Sheet - Chapter 3 ... I won't be doing a Chapter 4 sheet, as you have my extensive notes on our favorite machine (the Mic-1) already. Enjoy!

Thu Nov 17

  • Lecture: Chapter 4
  • Lecture: Final exam preview

Tue Nov 15... week 10, sadly, our last

  • Due: Reading/notes for sections 3.5 and 3.6
  • Lecture: Chapter 4
  • All my chapter 4 notes are here: IJVM Notes

Thu Nov 10

  • Lecture: Chapter 4
  • Assigned: Reading/notes on sections 3.6 and 3.6
  • Help: You may find some helpful information regarding program #3 in the common area on the k: drive:
    • The file play.c contains C/C++ examples on accomplishing some bit-level things you may need to do in Program #3.
    • My pseudo-code for Program #3 is there as well.

Tue Nov 8... week 9

  • Due: Tiny homework on Chapter 3
  • Lecture: Chapter 3 wrap
  • Lecture: Chapter 4 begins

Thu Nov 3

  • Assigned: Tiny homework on Chapter 3 (it's a handout)
  • Due: Program #2
  • Lecture: Chapter 3
  • Really assigned: Program #3 (due in a couple weeks)

Tue Nov 1... week 8

  • NOT Due: Program #2... we moved the due date to Thursday!
  • Assigned: Program #3... hi Christine!
  • Lecture: Chapter 3

Thu Oct 27

  • Special note: See my addition to the GDB notes where I explain the "x" command to print the value of any location in memory as you debug. Just FYI.
  • Exam 2:
    • worth 20 points, 20% of your grade
    • covering Chapter 5 (excluding section 5.8), Chapter 7, Programs 1 & 2, and all my handouts on Intel assembly language programming
    • bring one side of one page of notes, but no book, no calculator

Tue Oct 25... week 7

  • Lecture: Exam 2 preview
  • Lecture: Chapter 3
  • Due: Chapter 3, sections 1-3 notes

Thu Oct 20

  • Lecture: Chapter 7 wrap-up
  • Lecture: Chapter 3 start
  • Assigned: Read Chapter 3, sections 1-3

Tue Oct 18... week 6

  • Due: Program #1
  • Assigned: Program #2 ... Yow!
  • Lecture: Chapter 5 wrap-up
  • Lecture: Chapter 7

Thu Oct 13

  • Due: Chapter 7 reading/notes
  • Lecture: Chapter 5 wrap
  • Lecture: Chapter 7 start (maybe)

Tue Oct 11... week 5

  • Assigned: Please read/notes Chapter 7 by next class
  • Lecture: Chapter 5 "Instruction Set Architecture"
  • Lecture: Wrap-up my treatise on Intel assembly language programming

Thu Oct 6

  • Lecture: We'll hit the lab and run gcc on some Intel assembly examples
  • Lecture: Chapter 5, assembly language programming
  • Hey: Check out the links to NRAM on the etc page

Tue Oct 4... week 4

  • Assigned: Program #1 is due in 2 weeks
  • Due: "Hello world" assembly program
  • Lecture: Chapter 5, Assembly language programming

Thu Sep 29

  • Exam #1...
    • worth 15 points, 15% of your grade
    • covering Chapter 1, 2 and Appendices A, B
    • bring one side of one page of notes, but no book, no calculator

Tue Sep 27... week 3

  • Lecture: Preview Exam #1
  • Lecture: Chapter 5/Intel assembly
  • Due: Read/note on Chapter 5.1-5.5
  • Assigned: Install/use gcc, do "Hello, world" in assembly language
  • BTW: I'll be in tomorrow night for office hours... stop by!

Thu Sep 22

  • Lecture: Chapter 2
  • Solution: My answers to HW A/B... Homework A/B Solution
  • Assigned: Read/note on Chapter 5.1-5.5

Tue Sep 20... week 2

  • Due: Chapter 2 reading/notes
  • Due: Homework A/B
  • Lecture: Chapter 2 "Computer Systems Organization"
  • Lecture: Chapter 1 mop-up

Thu Sep 15

  • Lecture: Chapter 1, finish up
  • Lecture: Appendix B: "Floating-point numbers"

Tue Sep 13... week 1

  • First class: we meet 6:30 pm at Carnegie 113
  • Lecture: Chapter 1 "The History of Computing"
  • Lecture: Appendix A "Binary Numbers"
  • Assigned: Homework for Appendices A/B... Homework A/B
  • Assigned: Read Chapter 2




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