CSC 161 - Computer Science II

Spring 2003 term: Syllabus ~ Assignments ~ Info


The past, present and future of CSC 161:

Final Exam

Wednesday Jun 11 @ 8:00 am - 9:50 am

Same old room in Carnegie

  • 200 points (20%)
  • 140 points written, 60 points programming
  • The exam will be comprehensive with a focus on chapters 14-19
  • As with the midterm, you may bring 1 page of notes to the exam

Final Exam Review Session

  • Mon Jun 9, 10:30 am @ our classroom or if it's being used, I'll post directions at our classroom
  • Voluntary... I'll answer your questions, not lecture

Week Ten (Jun 2-6)

README! Please note the following changes:

Program #5 is now due Sat Jun 7 @ 10:00 am

No office hours today... Weds Jun 4

I will have office hours by appt on Fri Jun 6, 1-3pm

  • Due - (Saturday) Program #5
  • Lab - (Wednesday) Lab 19 - Binary trees & recursion (new)
  • Lecture - (Friday) Final exam review
  • Lecture - (Monday) Chapter 18 Recursion
  • Due - (Monday) Ch 17 review questions 1-19 on pages 1118-1120
  • Due - (Monday) Ch 19 review questions 1-10, 16-19 on pages 1186-1187

Week Nine (May 26-30)

  • Lecture - (Monday) No school
  • Lecture - (Wednesday, Friday) Chapter 19 Binary Trees
  • Lab - (Friday) Complete Labs 15, 17

Week Eight (May 19-23)

  • Due - (Friday) Program #4
  • Assigned - (Friday) Program #5
  • Due - (Wednesday) Review questions for Chapter 15 (p. 1042-1043) & Chapter 16 (p. 1081-1082)
  • Lecture - (Friday) Chapter 17 Stacks and Queues with prominent guest speaker
  • Lecture - (Monday) Chapter 15, 16 loose ends
  • Lab - (Wednesday) Lab 15 Exceptions, Templates

Week Seven (May 12-16)

  • Due - (Wednesday) Program #3
  • Assigned - (Wednesday) Program #4
  • Lecture - (Monday) Do chapter 14 review questions 1-61 on page 986-989
  • Lecture - Chapters 15 Exceptions, Templates
  • Lecture - Chapter 16 Linked Lists
  • Lab - Complete Lab 14

Week Six (May 5-9)

  • Lab - (Friday) Lab 14
  • Lab - (Wednesday) Complete design of Program #3
  • Lecture - Chapter 14 Files, all week
  • Lecture - (Monday) review graded midterm

Week Five (Apr 28-May 2)

Midterm - Friday May 2, covering chapters 10-13

* Schedule Change: Chapter 13 quiz moved to Wednesday

  • Due - (Monday) Program #2 due
  • Assigned - (Wednesday) Program #3 assigned
  • Lab  - (Wednesday) Complete Lab 13
  • Quiz - (Wednesday) Chapter 13 quiz 
  • Lecture - (Monday) Finish Chapter 13
  • Lecture - (Wednesday) Midterm review

Week Four (Apr 21-25)

**> Check out the supplemental hints section at the bottom of the Program #2 page

Program #2

  • Lecture - Finish Chapter 13
  • Lab - Lab 12... labs 12.1-12.4 and 12.5 option #1
  • Quiz - (Wednesday) Chapter 12 for 10 points
  • Due - (Monday) Program #2 design
  • Lecture - (Monday) Cover your Chapter 12 questions
  • Due - (Monday) Complete Chapter 12 review questions on p. 838-839, #1-#28

Week Three (Apr 14-18)

  • Lecture - Chapter 11, start Chapter 13
  • Due - Complete Chapter 10 review questions on p.683-4, #1-#29
  • Lab - Lab 11... labs 11.1-11.4 and option 2 of 11.5
  • Due - Program #1 due Monday Apr 14
  • Assigned - Program #2

Week Two (Apr 7-11)

  • Lecture - Chapter 10, start Chapter 11
  • Lab - Lab 10... Labs 10.1 - 10.5 and one of the "options" in 10.6

Week One (Mar 31 - Apr 4)

  • Lecture - Review Chapters 1-9... those covered in CSC 160
  • Lab - Review selected Labs from Labs 1-9
  • Assigned - Program 1


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