IFS 104

Problem-solving using spreadsheets

Winter 2003 - Interim Term

Enjoy our refreshing syllabus: IFS 104 Syllabus

Below this line will be a schedule of events for class. Check here for the latest announcements and assignments.

Mon Dec 1, 2003

Lecture: Chapter 1 Introduction
Lab #1: In The Lab (ITL) 1-3 on pages E1.58-E1.62
Homework #1: Cases & Places (C&P) 1,5 on pages E1.63-E1.64
Lecture: Chapter 2 Formulas
Lab #2: ITL 1-2 on pages E2.69-E2.74
Homework #2: C&P 1, 3, 5 on pages E2.78-E2.79
Setup information: Homework & Lab Setup

Wed Dec 3, 2003

Due: Lab #1, Homework #1, Lab #2, Homework #2
Lecture: Chapter 3 What-if analysis
Lab #3: ITL 1-3 on pages E3.69-E3.78
Homework #3: Apply Your Knowledge (AYK) 1-8 on page E3.68; C&P 3, 4 on pages E3.79-E3.80

Mon Dec 8, 2003

Due: Lab #3, Homework #3
Lecture: Chapter 4 Financial functions
Lab #4: ITL 1-3 on pages E4.57-E4.63
Homework #4: C&P 1, 2, 5 on pages E4.63-E4.64

Wed Dec 10, 2003

Midterm Exam at beginning of class!
30 points, 30% of your grade
Covering Chapters 1-3
1 hour
Approx 1/3 essay questions, 2/3 worksheets
You are allowed 1 side of one page of notes during the exam
See the Cheat Sheet on the k: drive
Lecture: Chapter 5 Databases
Lab #5: ITL 1, 2 on pages E5.53-E5.59 (no, you don't need to print out each step, just do it)
Homework #5: AYK 1 on page E5.52, C&P 1, 5, 6 on pages E5.63-E5.64 (again, don't print out... copy the results of sorting and filtering to another section of your worksheet) (oh, and I recommend that you do your worksheets in separate workbooks to avoid database name conflicts)
Assigned: IFS 104 Project

Mon Dec 15, 2003

Due: Lab #4, Homework #4
Due: Lab #5, Homework #5
Lecture: Chapter 6 Templates, Multiple worksheets
Lab #6: ITL 1, 2 on pages E6.71-E6.74
Homework #6: AYK 1 on page E6.70, CP1, 4 on pages E6.77-E6.78

Wed Dec 17, 2003

Final Exam!
40 points, 40% of your grade
Comprehensive with an emphasis on Chapters 4-6
1.5 hours
Approx 1/3 essay questions, 2/3 worksheets
You are allowed 1 side of one page of notes during the exam
See the Cheat Sheet on the k: drive
Due: Final project is due by midnight
Due: Lab #6, Homework #6 and we will discuss in class

Thu Jan 1, 2004

Happy New Year!
Have a great 2004, IFS 104.
Thanks for your participation in class!
that is all... yow, bill


Back to william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu Email me at wtkrieger@noctrl.edu