IFS 104 - Problem Solving Using Spreadsheets

Fall 2006 Term

Syllabus... Homework... Project... Favorites... Archive

Mon Nov 20, 2006

The Final Exam is Monday from 10:00 to noon. It'll be a very similar experience to the midterm... details are coming soon.

The Final Exam:

  • It's worth 30 points, or 30% of your grade
  • It's comprehensive, but with a major emphasis on the 2nd half material:
    • Chapter 4 Financial functions
    • Chapter 5 Lists
    • Chapter 6 Templates, 3-D references, etc
    • My little science spreadsheets lecture covering correlation, XY scatter charts
    • Of course, homework assignments 4-6 are a good guide as well
  • Will be about 1/3 written and 2/3 in the lab... like the midterm
  • You may bring one side of one page of notes to the exam

study hearty... yow, bill

Sun Nov 19, 2006

We'll have a quick study session from 10:30 to noon-ish at our normal meeting room. I'll take your questions. We'll look at homework problems. Whatever.

thanks... yow, bill



