Class assignments, planning, and activity will be logged below.
Enjoy! |
Tue Jun 7
Final Exam is our normal time (2:00), normal location
(Carnegie basement). It'll:
- be worth 40 points or 40% of your grade
- be comprehensive, with an emphasis on Chapters 4-6
- take the entire class period
- have 2 parts: written and computer
The Final will be a lot like the Midterm, including the deal with
bringing 1 side of 1 8.5"x11" page of notes.
Office hours schedule before the Final Exam:
Monday Night Special |
June 6th, night before the final from 7-9 pm |
Regular Tuesday |
June 7th, Finals morning from 10-noon |
Other times |
If these times aren't good, then email for
an appointment, as usual |
Thu Jun 2
Last day of "regular" class:
- Lecture: Review Chapter 6 material
- Lecture: Final Exam preview
- Lab: Deal with individual project, final exam
questions and issues
- Due: The Term Project is due Friday June 2nd at
10:00 am. I must have two things by then: 1) your problem
description printed out and in my hands, and 2) your files on the k:
Tue May 31
- Due: HW #5, Lab #5
- Lecture: Chapter 6 Multi-sheet workbooks
After, some non-assignments... those which you should do if have
questions about the material, but which won't be worth any official
course points:
- Non-HW #6: Cases & Places 1, 2 and 4 on pages
- Non Lab #6: Apply Your Knowledge 1 on page 455 and
In the Lab 2 on page 458-459
Thu May 26
Sorry, no office hours today from 10-noon.
- Due: HW #4, Lab #4
- Lecture: Chapter 5 Lists
- HW #5: Cases & Places 1, 2 and 3 on page 376. Extra
- In C&P 2, please save each sort (3 of them) to a
separate workbook
- In C&P 3, please use advanced filtering
- Lab #5: In the Lab 1, 2 on pages 371-374. No, you
don't need to save every step to a separate workbook... just make
sure you can do this stuff.
Tue May 24
Back in the saddle:
- Lecture: return and analyze midterm results
- Lecture: Chapter 4 Financial functions
Assigned: Term
And then due next class:
- HW #4: Apply Your Knowledge 1, Cases & Places 2, 4
on pages 296-304
- Lab #4: In the Lab 1, 3 on pages 296-303
Thu May 19
Midterm exam today! The midterm is:
- 30 points, or 30% of your grade
- will cover any of the material from Chapters 1-3
- will take around 90 minutes
- will have 2 parts: written and computer. Yes, you will use
Excel to complete spreadsheets during the exam.
You are allowed to use 1 side of 1 8.5" x 11" page of notes on the
exam. Yow!
Tue May 17
There is no class on Tuesday May 17, 2005 due to the Honors
Convocation Ceremony at North Central:
Thu May 12
- Due: Hw #3, Lab #3
- Lecture: Midterm review
- Lab: Resolve any questions on any HW or Lab from
Chapters 1-3
Tue May 10
- Due: Hw #2, Lab #2
- Lecture: Chapter 3 What-if Analysis, etc.
and then:
- HW #3:
Apply Your Knowledge (AYK) 1-8 on page EX 211; C&P 3, 4 on page EX
- Lab #3: In the Lab 1, 2 on pages EX 212-218
Thur May 5
Class #2...
- Lecture: Chapter 2 Formulas
- Due: Hw #1, Lab #1
and then, due next class...
- Hw #2: Cases & Places 1, 2, 4 on pages 140-143
- Lab #2: In The Lab 1, 2 on pages 132-136
Tues May 3
First day of class... Tuesday May 3 at 13 Carnegie. Go...
- Lecture: We'll cover the introductory material from Chapter 1
and then...
- Hw #1: Apply Your Knowledge 1 on page EX57. Cases &
Places 1, 3 on pages EX63-EX64
- Lab #1: In The Lab 1-3 on pages EX58-EX62
Both Hw #1 and Lab #1 are due next class, Thursday. Here's a little
introduction to working in the lab: Homework & Lab
setup |
Hey, if you are a grizzled veteran of the exciting first 5 week
section of "Turbo Excel"... your web site has been archived.
Go to
william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu and select the Archive.