
The schedule, some lecture notes, some PK...

Two worthy virus links for you:

Finals Week

Sun Apr 26

  • Zoom-study: Sunday @ 4:00 pm, we'll have an optional Final Exam study session.
    Bring your questions. Even better, bring your answers. (smile)
    I'll spam a Zoom-invite your way. Again, your virtual attendance is...Optional!

Mon Apr 27   —   Zoom Final Exam day

  • Study: Final Exam preview, final_exam_preview.pdf
  • Zoom-test: I'll send 210 spam with the schedule for our Zoom-Final.

Spring, summer, and beyond...

The CSC 210 Olympics!
The pageantry, the splendor, the nerdy action: Olympics210

You can enjoy the recent past here: Old schedule

Here's the big picture: Exam plan

My notes

Some weekly lecture notes, topic-specific notes, and pay-per-view handouts:

VS Code notes   ~   Javadoc notes   ~   Java coding guidelines

Final Exam material

Graph notes   ~   Graph algorithm notes

Sorting and searching notes

Using git and Github notes   ~   JavaFX notes

Exam #2 material

Exam #2 preview (in one page!)

Balanced tree notes   ~   2-3-4 Tree notes   ~   Red-black Tree notes   ~   Heap notes

Recursion notes   ~   BST notes   ~   Before spring break notes

JCF notes   ~   Java inheritance notes   ~   Java etc notes

Exam #1 material

Week 01 notes   ~   Java classes, part1   ~   Java classes, part 2

Hash table notes   ~   Hash table ADT   ~   Stack and Queue ADT   ~   Big-Oh notes   ~   The transistor

PK presentations

PK is PechaKucha, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PechaKucha.

This is a fun site with a zillion cool PK presentations, www.pechakucha.com.

Everyone in class does at least one PK this semester:

Mall reindeer