
About me and our class...

Prof Bill

My name is Bill Krieger. I'm a part-time Computer Science prof here at Noctrl.

My Noctrl website is: wtkrieger.faculty.noctrl.edu.

The best way to contact me is to: 1) stop me in the hallway and say hello, or 2) send me an email, wtkrieger@noctrl.edu.

CSC 210

I've taught CSC 210 many times over the years; it's one of my favorite classes. It will be a lot of fun and a lot of programming...redundant! (smile)

I think Sophocles has it about right.

One learns by doing a thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.
- Sophocles, goodreads link

Here's our official class syllabus: syllabus.pdf

the Mac