Old schedule

The old schedule...what happened in class!

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Week 16

Week 15   ~   Week 14   ~   Week 13   ~   Week 12   ~   Week 11

Week 10   ~   Week 09   ~   Week 08   ~   Week 07   ~   Week 06  

Week 05   ~   Week 04   ~   Week 03   ~   Week 02   ~   Week 01

Week 16

Mon Apr 20   —   Zoom Lecture 46

Wed Apr 22   —   Zoom Lecture 47

Fri Apr 24   —   Gone fishin' (yeah!)

Week 15

Mon Apr 13   —   Zoom Lecture 43

Wed Apr 15   —   Zoom Lecture 44

Fri Apr 17   —   Zoom Lecture 45

  • Lecture: P4 questions (and answers, hopefully); it's due Mon Apr 20; we'll choose Zoom-times for grading
  • Lecture: Kruskal's, BFS and DFS, Graph algorithm notes
  • Assigned: Homework 15 HW XV EZ, homework15.pdf

  • Info: Buyer beware. And pay attention to people's delivery times. But I've had some luck ordering face masks from Etsy, www.etsy.com/market/face_mask
Week 14

Mon Apr 6   —   Zoom Lecture 40

Wed Apr 8   —   Zoom Lecture 41

Fri Apr 10   —   Zoom Lecture 42

  • Holiday: No class for the Good Friday holiday
  • Coding: I'll be online Zoom-coding at 1:20. Join me if you like. Optional!

  • Assigned: Homework 14 graphy mcgraphs, homework14.pdf

Week 13

Mon Mar 30   —   Zoom Lecture 37

Wed Apr 1   —   Zoom Lecture 38

Fri Apr 3   —   Zoom Lecture 39

Week 12

Mon Mar 23   —   Zoom Lecture 34

Wed Mar 25   —   Zoom Lecture 35

  • README: I emailed you a Zoom-invite for Zoom-class today. See you at 1:20 pm. Zoom-Yow!
    Just trying to simplify things (and a pox on Zoom-channels, ha).

  • Read: Sorting and searching notes, sorting_notes.pdf
  • PK presentation by Luis G, "Bubble sort vs Selection sort", pk07_sorting.pdf

  • Lecture: my JavaFX blather, JavaFX notes
  • Example: My MenuBar example from class Monday is on the k: drive, common_area. Check it out. Try adding your own menus. And more! We will code in class again. So bring your Java and your VS Code!

  • Cool: Checkout the Wheel of Decision, wheeldecide.com

Fri Mar 27   —   Zoom Lecture 36

Week 11

Mon Mar 16   —   Lecture 31

  • Lecture: This 1st online lecture is a test. Optional!.
    I'll email you more information about this, chop chop.
    We'll start around 1:15 pm. Patience. Flexibility. Victory. (smile)

  • Quiz: We'll try a test quiz on Blackboard, available after 1:00 pm today.

Wed Mar 18   —   Lecture 32

  • Important: If you haven't signed up for Zoom yet, please do so.
    I'll fire up Zoom around 1:15...and start class at 1:20. We'll meet for about 30 mins.

  • Lecture: Exam #2 preview (in one page!), exam2_preview.pdf
  • Wheel: Choose Exam #2 live Zoom slots...spin the Wheel of Decision, wheeldecide.com
    I'll spend (less than) 30 mins on Zoom quizzing each student
    Slots: A) 11:00-12:30, B) 2:00-3:30, C) 3:30-5:00

  • PK presents: JavaFX and Computer Viruses by Joe K, pk06_javafx.pdf
  • Due: Homework 10. Solution set by John Z, homework10.png
  • Lecture: Program #3 stuff

Fri Mar 20   —   Lecture 33

  • Exam #2: We'll have a very short Zoom meeting at 1:20 pm.
    Then, I'll send you off to the Blackboard part of the exam.
  • Exam #2: One-on-one Zoom time slots with Prof Bill:
    • A)   11:00 John Z,   11:30 Cole P,   12:00 Brennan S
    • B)   2:00 Jason E,   2:30 Luis G,   3:00 Joe K
    • C)   3:30 Dev T,   4:00 Vinny K,   4:30 Emmanuel B

  • Assigned: Homework 11, homework11.pdf
Week 10

Mon Mar 9   —   Lecture 28

Wed Mar 11   —   Lecture 29

Fri Mar 13   —   Lecture 30

Week 09

Mon Mar 2   —   Lecture 25

  • Spring break: Fun at the beach

Wed Mar 4   —   Lecture 26

  • Spring break: Gone fishin'

Fri Mar 6   —   Lecture 27

Week 08

Mon Feb 24   —   Lecture 22

Wed Feb 26   —   Lecture 23

Fri Feb 28   —   Lecture 24

Week 07

Mon Feb 17   —   Lecture 19

  • Due: Homework 06, homework06.pdf

  • Lecture: Java inheritance; JCF
  • Brainstorm: lively P2 design discussion
  • Info: "Leadership principles" that drive a trillion dollar tech company, www.amazon.jobs/en/principles
  • Info: Happy 7th birthday to Abe Lincoln the goldfish, abe7.jpg

Wed Feb 19   —   Lecture 20

Fri Feb 21   —   Lecture 21

  • Lecture: P2 design discussion

  • Assigned: Homework 7, homework07.pdf
  • Lecture: Java inheritance, cont

  • Sorry: No office hours after class Friday. I'll be in before class. Or email me this weekend. (Yes!)
Week 06

Mon Feb 10, Lecture 16

Wed Feb 12, Lecture 17

Fri Feb 14   —   Lecture 18

Week 05

Mon Feb 3, Lecture 13

  • Due: Program #1 is due Sunday at noon. All the action is at the programs page, Programs page
  • Due: Homework 04 - hash++, homework04.pdf

Wed Feb 5, Lecture 14

Fri Feb 7, Lecture 15

  • Exam #1...
    • It's 15 points, 15% of your final grade
    • Important: Bring 1 side of 1 page of notes
    • Topics: basic structures (array, linked list, array list), stack/queue, hash table, Java intro, algorithm analysis and Big-Oh
    • Fair game: any material from the first 5 weeks: lectures, reading, notes, homework, PK presentations, and programs
    • Except: no questions on recursion
    • Little help: I will be in early on exam day, around 12:30. Stop by if you have questions. Or email me!

  • Assigned: Homework 05
Week 04

Mon Jan 27, Lecture 10

Wed Jan 29, Lecture 11 - hash tables

Fri Jan 31, Lecture 12

Week 03

Mon Jan 20, Lecture 07

Wed Jan 22, Lecture 08

Fri Jan 24, Lecture 09 - Homework 03

Week 02

Mon Jan 13, Lecture 04

  • Due: Homework 01, Homework 01 - Hello, world++
  • Due: Waggle your week 01 notes: Morin 2.1-2.4 on Arrays and ArrayLists; Morin 3.1-3.2 on Linked lists; Morin 5.1-5.2 on Hash tables; and Java 1.1-1.5 Intro
  • Remember: Your Programming Pal™ :   csc210_pals.jpg
  • Assigned: Program #1. Goto the programs page for more goodness, Programs page.

Wed Jan 15, Lecture 05 - Read Java classes/OOP

Fri Jan 17, Lecture 06 - finish Java classes, part 1; code Homework 02 together; Program #1 design brainstorm

Week 01

Week 1 notes, Week 01 Notes

Mon Jan 6, Lecture 01 - PK welcome; roll call; website + syllabus; The transistor; 210 in 15 mins or less; Java intro

Wed Jan 8, Lecture 02 - read about arrays, lists, and hash tables...bring your notes to class. Cha!

  • Handout: The transistor
  • Handout: Big-Oh intro

  • Book: I'll refer to our data structures book by author, "Morin". Go: opendatastructures.org
  • read: Morin 2.1-2.4 on Arrays and ArrayLists
  • read: Morin 3.1-3.2 on Linked lists
  • read: Morin 5.1-5.2 on Hash tables
  • play: Goto our favorite animation site and play with hash tables. "Chaining" in Morin is called "Open Hash Tables" at the site. "Linear probing" in Morin is called "Closed Hash Tables" at the site. Play to understand the basics of hash tables: hash code, collisions, etc. Here you go: www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html

Fri Jan 10, Lecture 03 - review {Array, List, ArrayList, Hash table}; some Java time