Class #4 Outline

So begins the second half.

enjoy... yow, bill

2.1 Midterm and homework

We'll start with:

  • Return and review the midterm
  • Return and review homework #4... maze factories and the Abstract Factory pattern
  • Collect and review homework #5... Krieger chili recipes and the Template Method pattern
  • Handout and review homework #6... Sally: My Favorite, Little Program and the Command pattern

2.2 Reading


  • I'll introduce you guys to CRC cards... a nice OO design tool.
  • We talk about factories: DPE 11, 20-24

2.3 New stuff

In the final third, we'll:

  • Talk about the project requirements
  • Try and block off some group project time
  • Talk about the facade & adapter patterns. (maybe)

2.4 Wrap

I think that class #5 we'll:

  1. Review the final HW #6 that is due.
  2. This will be my "terms and concepts" lecture, or as my stepfather would say, "spongehead stuff." You will not have any required reading.
  3. I will try to accommodate your Iteration 2 work on the project by giving you the last third of class. I will meet with each group, hear your story, and try to address any concerns that you have.

Just FYI: The extra grad student requirement for my 554 guys will be some extra reading that will be accompanied by a question or two on the Final Exam. I'll point you to this sponghead stuff during class #5 as well.

Please head up to the lab after class and make sure that your homework #4 and #5 folders contain everything that I need (in addition to your hand-written diagrams) to grade this work.

thanks... yow, bill