Class #3 Outline

I am the host of CS Pizza Night this Sunday from 5-7 pm... Carnegie 111. Stop by for free pizza and some project chatter, if you can.

enjoy... yow, bill

2.1 Wrapping the "first half"

We'll chat about your reading:

  • Return homework #2, discuss
  • Return homework #3, discuss DPE 17 Decorator Pattern
  • Handout homework #4
  • Larman 8-10... domain models and sequence diagrams
  • Larman 40... a wrap-up/summary I thought was interesting
  • Midterm preview discussion... review the midterm material and take any questions

2.2 The "Second half"


  1. I'll introduce you guys to CRC cards... a nice OO design tool.
  2. Head up to the lab and workout this blog thing
  3. We'll start discussing off spending some time discussing the term project. I have some ideas.
  4. We'll talk about the facade & adapter patterns. (maybe)

2.3 Midterm exam

We'll take the midterm in the final third of the class. It's described on the main page.

I will give you 10-15 minutes before the exam to prepare, meditate, caffeinate, whatever...

2.4 Wrap

Wrap-up items are coming soon...

  • Next class
    • First third:
    • Second third:
    • Last third:
  • Next class' reading:
  • Homework #4 is posted
  • I'll be in my office next Saturday for office hours... 9 to noon.