Class #6 Outline

Last class!

woot... yow, bill

5.1 Lecture

First, we'll do instructor reviews. You grade me for a change.

I'll finish my term-long obsession with prattling with the following topics:

  • DPE Chapter 14: More on design pattern principles
  • DPE Chapter 15: Commonality and variability analysis

5.2 Project time

We'll set aside some time you y'all to coordinate your projects. I will speak briefly with each team about iteration 3.


5.3 The Final Exam

I expect the final exam to last  2 hours. So, I'll cut project time off at 9:45 or so, to allow 15 minutes preparation for the exam. Then we should start in earnest at around 10:00.

Final Exam details are on the web site, eh.


5.4 Wrap

That's a wrap. Thanks guys for your time, energy and creativity.

If you want your grade, you can email me from a Noctrl address, and I'll reply when I have it.

happy thanksgiving... yow, bill