CSC 454 Favorites

My favorite OO-related links out there... or not

My 454 favorites links, divided into nifty categories...

Our Textbooks

Links related to our textbooks:

  • ... the web site for "Design Patterns Explained." The answers to the "Review Questions" at the end of each chapter are given at the site. There is some supplemental material about patterns not covered in the text as well. I didn't run into any annoying passwords or anything either.
  • ... the web site for "Applying UML and Patterns." This site isn't as good, and there's not much extra stuff here for students.
  • ... author of "Applying UML and Patterns." This site is probably better than the publisher's site, but you have to surf for a while.

BTW, here are links to "other" textbooks that I considered for the course:

  • ... web site for the "Object Design" book by Wirfs-Brock and McKean
  • ... I considered this book until I found out it hasn't been released yet. Ha! Actually, I like the HeadFirst series, and I'm going to snarf this book when it comes out.
  • ... this Head First book is available. It's a very nice book on patterns because it's almost all example-based.


Links related to design patterns:

  • ... This is a web site for the book "Design Patterns in Java." I have to get a copy of this book, which promises lots of examples and therefore might be a nice support book for 454
  • ,,, a large design patterns repository


Design Topics

Wikipedia does very nice summaries of some of our favorite topics:

Links related to OO design:

  • - Lord, I used to curse this guy (Fred Brooks) back in the day, but this is a good article from 1987 that makes a simple point about software development: there is no silver bullet. Or as Fred writes, "There is no single development, in either technology or in management technique, that by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity. "
  • - an article by Java co-creator, James Gosling. I think the sections titled "A Delegation-Only Language" and "Inheritance vs. Composition" were really interesting. Read on.
  • ... a site introducing extreme programming (XP)
  • ... a site introducing agile development techniques
  • ... another "agile" site
  • ... I'll actually handout a hardcopy version of this; it's a nice overview of CRC cards and their usage

Other Classes

Links similar to 454 that are taught at other schools.


Links sans category:

  • ... the Java 5.0 API online... so sweet!
  • ... the JGrasp IDE is very nice and available on the computers in the Noctrl lab
  • ... another popular Java IDE is NetBeans; it's more popular than Jgrasp (I believe) because it was developed by Sun and can be downloaded with Java. Click on the "Java SE" link in "Popular Downloads" to the right. I think most people will be happy with the "JDK 5.0 Update 7 with NetBeans 5.0" selection from here.

This is a quirky one... compares Java and C++. It was a nice summary.

The future? There's a wonderful site by Ray Kurzweil that chronicles futuristic projects and results.