Class #2 Outline

Groove. We'll start in on analysis and the high-level job of product specification and analysis.

If Pee-Wee Herman were here, he'd say that the word for the day is "agile"... AAAHHHHHHH!

yow, bill

2.1 Larman's UP and other agile processes

Before getting started in earnest:

  • Check the web site... I've added some Favorites links
  • Return homework #1... chat it up

Larman justifies his existence and defines the UP in chapters 1-3:

  • Larman Chapter 1 OOAD
  • Larman Chapter 2 UP, XP, Agile Modeling, etc
  • Larman Chapter 3 His case studies that he uses throughout the book... maybe we'll follow along a bit

2.2 OOD

Introduction to the motivation and the basics of OO design.

  • OO Principles lecture
  • Homework #2 discussion... the Observer pattern
  • Another pattern: Adapter & Facade?
  • Homework #3 handout

2.3 The Inception Phase

Larman Chapter 3-7 talks about starting your UP-enable project:

  • Larman Chapter 4/5 Evolutionary reqs
  • Larman Chapter 6 Use Cases
  • Larman Chapter 7 Examples from his case studies

2.4 Wrap

I hope we have time to head up to the lab this week. I'd like to get Java newbies some time to play with immediate feedback (me) in the room.

Wrap-up items:

  • Next class lecture (tentative):
    • First third: new material,
    • Second third: your reading and midterm review,
    • Last third: the midterm
  • Next class' reading:
    • Begin Larman's "Elaboration Phase" by reading chapters 8-10. The most important chapter is "Domain Models".
    • Read Chapter 40... the end.
  • Homework #3 is posted, due next Saturday
  • The Midterm will:
    • be 20% of your final grade
    • take 60-90 minutes
    • have additional details posted by next Saturday
  • I'll be in my office next Saturday for office hours...
  • The project... coming soon!