CSC 220 Syllabus

Fall 2005 Term


We'll learn about the levels present in most modern-day computers as presented in our text: digital logic, micro-architecture, instruction set architecture, operation system, assembly language, and problem-oriented language level. Our programming assignments will be in assembly language.

The official CSC department description is:

220 Computer System Concepts (3.00)

Basic computer architecture including combinational circuits, instruction sets, microprogramming and assembly language, I/O (devices, busses and interrupts), and memory systems and organization.  Programming required.  Prerequisite: CSC 161. Recommended: CSC 230. Offered: Annually.



My name is Bill Krieger. I am a part-time professor at North Central. Some info:

  • Contact - The best way to contact me is via email at:
  • Office - My office is located at Carnegie 310-D
  • Office hours - Wednesday nights 6:30-8:30 pm... I will also be available after class. We have a pretty small class, so I should be available to meet you individually by appointment.



We'll meet Tuesday and Thursday nights 6:30 pm - 8:20 pm at Carnegie 113. The first class is Tuesday September 13th.

Our text is:

"Structured Computer Organization", Fifth Edition

by Andrew S. Tannenbaum

Please note the 5th edition part there... it's new this term. The author's university web site is


"Grade me, tell me I'm so, so smart..."

- L Simpson


Class/quiz/homework 10%
Programs 30%
Exam 1 15%
Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%

Letter grade are determined using the North Central guidelines:

A (93-100) B+ (87-89) C+ (77-79) D (60-69)
A- (90-92) B (83-86) C (73-76) F (0-59)
  B- (80-82) C- (70-72)  

Plagiarism will not be tolerated per the university's code/policy.




Contact information

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