IFS 104 Syllabus

Winter 2003 - Interim Term

Course Description

From the North Central web page:

An introduction to the design, implementation, and use of spreadsheets. Emphasizes problem solving and hands-on computer experience using spreadsheet software. Repeats CSC 104. Prerequisite: High school algebra. Offered: Annually.

I'll emphasize their emphasis... this will be a very "hands-on computer experience."


Excel 2002 Complete Concepts and Techniques by Shelly, Cashman and Quasney

The text has a couple of accompanying web sites:

The home of all the Shelly/Cashman books: www.scseries.com
The companion site for our textbook contains, among other things, the "data disk" with all the examples used in the assignments:  http://www.scsite.com/catalog/viewtitle.cfm?isbn=0-7895-6278-2



My name is Bill Krieger. I am a part-time professor in the Computer Science department. Go:

Office: Carnegie 309
Office hours: 1 hour before & after class, that's 5:00-6:00 and 9:00-10:00. Other times are available by appointment!
Email: wtkrieger@noctrl.edu
Web site: william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu



Grades will be based on the following:

Homework/Lab 20
Project 10
Midterm 30
Final exam 40
Total  100

Final grades for the class will be determined using the standard North Central scale:

A (93-100%) B+ (87-89%) C+ (77-79%) D (60-69%)
A- (90-92%) B (83-86%) C (73-76%) F (0-59%)
  B- (80-82%) C- (70-72%)  



Ah, planning... this is tentative, but as we're meeting exactly 6 times, there's not much leeway here:

Date Covering Due
Mon Dec 1 Chapter 1, 2 HW #1
Wed Dec 3 Chapter 3 HW #2
Mon Dec 8 Chapter 4 HW #3, Midterm
Wed Dec 10 Chapter 5 HW #4
Mon Dec 15 Chapter 6 HW #5
Wed Dec 17   Project, Final exam

We should cover most/all of Chapters (the book calls them "Projects") 1-6.