IFS 104 Homework & Lab SetupWinter 2003 - Interim Term The k: driveThe k: disk drive that is shared across the network at North Central. You should have a folder at: k:/04WI/IFS_104_I1_04WI You should notice two folders here:
Before we start in earnest, please do a couple things for me:
lab homework The k: drive is not (unfortunately) available over the internet. You must come into campus. LabFiles from the data disk referenced in our text are available at: k:/04WI/IFS_104_I1_04WI/common_area/data_disk I have made your life easier. Wow! The raw data for most of the labs is available at: k:/04WI/IFS_104_I1_04WI/common_area/lab For example, in Lab #1, the data for the example on page 1.59, "Razor's Sharp Scooter" is already entered for you in the workbook file: k:/04WI/IFS_104_I1_04WI/common_area/prof_bill/razor_sharp_scooter.xls To start, you can open the file in Excel, then re-save it to your lab folder using the File/Save As menu.
HomeworkPlease place your name in a cell toward the bottom of each worksheet. Your homework spreadsheets must be of presentation quality. That includes:
All homework must be placed in the homework folder in your k: drive. You must place your homework in a file/folder that I can easily find. You can either:
Don't do anything (Open using Excel, Cut/Paste, etc) to your homework files after the due date. This will change the "modified" date of your file and make your homework "late". If you happen to use an older version of Excel at home and can't do something I've asked, then usually I'll accept it. Please note somewhere on your spreadsheet the problem you encountered. Of course, if what your missing is the point of the exercise, then you should complete your homework in the lab. |