IFS 104 - Archive

Fall 2006 Term

The recent past...

Fri Nov 17, 2006

The project is due midnight tonight. We will preview the Final Exam, and then head up to the lab to give you some final project cycles.

We'll work on a Sunday study session time today in lecture. I'll post it on the site here.

yow, bill

Wed Nov 15, 2006

Homework #6 is due.

no more homework... yow, bill

Mon Nov 13, 2006

Ah, the last week of Fall 2006. The memories... the good times... blah blah blah.

I'll do my "Math & Science" lecture, of which none is in our textbook, so be there! A lot of the stuff is featured in Homework #6.

thanks... yow, bill

Fri Nov 10, 2006

I'll lecture on Chapter 6 and some science/technology tidbits.

Homework #5 is due.

go... yow, bill

PS - README - OK, the deadline for HW #5 will be extended 2 days to Sunday at noon. I will likely grade these guys Sunday afternoon, so I won't accept work submitted after the noon deadline. thanks... yow, bill

PPS - Did you catch that? I'll probably be in this Sunday afternoon. Helping y'all takes precedence over grading, so if you want some quality time on any of this 2nd half material, that's a good time to grab me. email... yow, bill

Wed Nov 8, 2006

Lecture: Chapter 5 Lists.

Homework #4 is due.

set... yow, bill

PS - Thanks to Bob O. for this great question... and the answer is:

IFS 104 Final Exam

Monday Nov 20, 10:00 to noon

Mon Nov 6, 2006

We'll wrap chapter 4 lecture... start in on Chapter 5.

I have posted homework #5 and the project.

ready... yow, bill

PS - jeez, it's week 9!

Fri Nov 3, 2006

Please read Chapter 4 before lecture... as that's what we'll chat about.

yow, bill

PS - Homework #4 is posted and due next Wednesday

Wed Nov 1, 2006

November? What the heck? Anyway, the midterm:

  • Is worth 30 points, 30% of your final grade
  • Will cover Chapters 1-3 and anything we've done in lecture or the homework
  • Will be 1/3 written and 2/3 solving problems in the lab
  • You are encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes to the exam

run... yow, bill

Mon Oct 30, 2006

Lecture will focus on previewing the Midterm. I'll return your homework #3 and mine is available for your perusal on the k: drive.

We'll learn the financial functions from Chapter 4.

thanks... yow, bill

Fri Oct 27, 2006

Wrap-up Chapter 3. Homework #3 is due.

yow, bill

Wed Oct 25, 2006

Let's finish our Chapter 3 example.

We'll also spend some time on how your North Central College web site works. That's the "web special" in homework #3. Maybe we'll do this part in the lab.

yow, bill

Mon Oct 23, 2006

Please read Chapter 3 before lecture.

I'll wrap-up Chapter 2, then we'll start a good Chapter 3 example. Yum.

We should have time to head up to the lab. Homework #2 is due by the end of class or so.

thanks... yow, bill

Fri Oct 20, 2006

Please read Chapter 2 before lecture.

Do it again:

  1. We'll work through an example on the board/computer
  2. Chapter 2 tour
  3. Homework 2 preview... due next Monday

see ya... yow, bill

Wed Oct 18, 2006

Please read Chapter 1 before lecture.

Lecture will have 4 parts:

  1. We will complete our exciting FurbyMart example. I am so excited at our retailing prospects that I have already secured the www.furbymart.com URL. We are going to make a bundle... and keep track of it all using Excel (sigh).
  2. We'll tour the concepts of Chapter 1
  3. We'll tour any additional concepts that you'll need for homework #1 (due Friday)

I hope to have have time leftover to log some lab miles as well.

thanks... yow, bill

Mon Oct 16, 2006

The journey begins Monday October 16, 2006 at 10:40 am... 13 Carnegie.

We'll get through all the introductions, build a spreadsheet of two on the board, and then head up to the lab.

be there... yow, bill

PS - For all y'all who like to be organized and plan ahead (yikes), here's a tentative schedule for the whole 5 weeks. I emphasize "tentative."

Sep 6, 2006

Our first class is Monday October 16, 2006 at 13 Carnegie.

My syllabus is up but is subject to change until the course starts.

Hey, if you're on the wait list or if you want to add the class, then show up bright and early on October 16th, and we'll try and work something out. I can't guarantee anything, but these things usually work out.

thanks... yow, bill


