IFS 104 Homework

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Help on doing IFS 104 homework assignments: Homework Setup

Some abbreviations:

  • "In The Lab" = ITL,
  • "Apply Your Knowledge" = AYK,
  • "Cases and Places" = C&P

Homework #6

Homework #6 will be discussed in class on Thu Jun 1...

  • C&P 1 Specialty Toys (page 462)
  • C&P 2 Tennis Players (page 463)

Alas, I am out of homework points, so we'll review this homework in class. I encourage you to do this short homework anyway, so that you are confident on this type of problem in the Final Exam.


Homework #5

Homework #5 is due by 10:00 am on Thu May 25... it's in this PDF file: hw5.pdf


Homework #4

Homework #4 is due by 10:00 am on Tue May 23... it's in this PDF file: hw4.pdf


Homework #3

Homework #3 is due by 10:00 am on Thu May 11...

  • ITL 1 "Shawshank Manufacturing" (page 212)
  • C&P 1 "Ester's Sweet Shop (page 222)
  • C&P 2 "Vashon's IT Hardware & Services" (page 222)
  • C&P 4 "Uncle Harry & Aunt Mathilda" (page 223)
  • Bill Special: I'd like to see some independent learning and (gasp!) creativity on this one:
    • Open the file homework/hw3/bills_buddies.xls from the common_area in the k: drive. Here's a copy to download if you're not at school: bills_buddies.xls
    • This is a list of some of my best buddies. I don't like the format of the names though. I'd like to see, for example, "Michael Jordan", instead.
    • Please examine Excel's "Text" functions. For this problem, I think that the function you may be interested in are: trim, find, len, left, right, and concatente.
    • As you munge these ill-formed names, I suggest that you do each step in a separate column. My solution added 6 separate columns, one for each step.
    • Good luck. This is pretty tough. Even if you can't completely get it, show me your work and leave me a text box comment on your difficulties. Go!

Homework #2

Homework #2 is due by 10:00 am on Tue May 9...

  • ITL 1 "Illiana Custom Homers" (page 132)
  • C&P 1, "Band Fund-raising" (page 140)
  • C&P 2, "Red Wolf Population", (page 141)
  • C&P 4, "Luv Steel Company", (page 143)
  • Bill Special: Import table data from a web site, like we did in class. It's the "Data/Import External Data/New Web Query" menu. Remember, it won't work all the time, so you may have to do some trial and error playing. Finally, do that "Insert/Hyperlink" trick again to show me the web page that was the source of your query.

Homework #1

Homework #1 is due by 10:00 am on Thu May 4...

  • ITL 2 "College Travel" (page 59)
  • AYK 1 "Babbage's Computer Discount" (page 57)
  • C&P 1 "Reggae Music Company" (page 63)
  • C&P 3 "The Magic Theater" (page 64)
  • Bill Special: Show me you know 1) how to add a web page link to a sheet, and 2) how to add a "text box" (look in the index of our text).

    So, please create a spreadsheet that has a link to a page in Wikipedia related to spreadsheet history. Write a paragraph on some interesting facts about spreadsheet history. Some of the areas you can look-up are:

    • Lotus 123, Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston
    • Visicalc, Mitch Kapor
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Open Office
    • or maybe just go to Wikipedia and search on "spreadsheet"