IFS 104 Project

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The IFS 104 project is:

  • Due: Thursday June 1
  • Worth: 10 points, or 10% of your final grade


Your project assignment is to create a cool "uber" homework assignment for my next class:

  • The focus of the homework you are designing must include a worksheet list, ala Chapter 5.
  • It should be a word problem similar to the Cases & Places problems in our text.
  • The numbers in the database must come from a "real" source: web site, almanac, encyclopedia, your job or life or whatever. The database must include at least 25 records.
  • Your homework must include:
    • Plenty of database filtering, functions, and other shenanigans
    • One or more charts
    • Demonstration of at least one "advanced" concept like: goal seeking, the if() function, financial functions, etc.


Please complete these three steps:

  1. Write a short (one page-ish) description of your homework problem. You can use Word or any other common text format.
  2. Complete a workbook with the raw database data and a description of where you got the data (probably including a web site link). This should be similar to the files in the "data disk" of the text.
  3. Complete a workbook with your solution to the homework assignment... displaying all of your wonderful new spreadsheet powers, of course.

Put everything in your k: drive folder "project".

Square pegs

If you have an interest in one particular area of Excel that we have not covered, then individual projects can also be tailored. See me and we'll work it out.