IFS 104 Syllabus

Spring 2005 term

Course Description

From the North Central web page:

An introduction to the design, implementation, and use of spreadsheets. Emphasizes problem solving and hands-on computer experience using spreadsheet software.

I'll emphasize their emphasis... this will be a very "hands-on computer experience."

We'll meet Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-3:50 pm at 13 Carnegie. Our first class is Tuesday May 3, 2005.


Excel 2003 Complete Concepts and Techniques by Shelly, Cashman and Quasney

The text has a couple of accompanying web sites:


My name is Bill Krieger. I am a part-time professor in the Computer Science department. Go:

If these office hours are no convenient for you, then please see/email me, and we will arrange a better meeting time.


Grades will be based on the following:

Homework/Lab 20
Project 10
Midterm 30
Final exam 40
Total  100

Late homework and lab assignments will not be accepted unless you work it out with me before the deadline.

Final grades for the class will be determined using the standard North Central scale:

A (93-100%) B+ (87-89%) C+ (77-79%) D (60-69%)
A- (90-92%) B (83-86%) C (73-76%) F (0-59%)
  B- (80-82%) C- (70-72%)  

A note on academic integrity... plagiarism is a severe offense. It is considered plagiarism if any part of the work you submit has been written by another person. In the event of plagiarism, actions that may be taken include a zero on the assignment, notification of the Dean, withdrawal from the course, assigning a grade of F for the course, or worse.

Please see the University's policy regarding plagiarism if you have any further questions.


Ah, planning... this is tentative, but you can count on covering most of Chapter 1-6.

Day Covering Due
1 Chapter 1  
2 Chapter 2 Lab 1, HW #1
3 Chapter 3 Lab 2, HW #2
4   Lab 3, HW #3
5   Midterm exam
6 Chapter 4  
7 Chapter 5 Lab 4, HW #4
8 Chapter 6 Lab 5, HW #5
9   Lab 6, HW #6
10   Project

Of course, we'll also have the Final Exam during finals week. I may be substituting some alternative material for Chapter 6... we'll see.


Back to william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu Email me at wtkrieger@noctrl.edu