IFS 106 Homework

Homework assignments and more


I have pulled each homework assignment out as its own web page:

Please save your database files on the k: drive in your homework folder (see "Logistics" section below):


The Term Project is due Saturday, October 14... yeah, you can read all about it here:

IFS 106 Term Project


Please put your homework files on the k: drive. I will rarely ask you to print things out and turn them in. So, you'll usually ignore the textbook's pleas for you to "print this" and "print that" in the homework problems.

So, create a folder called "homework" on your k: drive where I can find your files. You will be able to find my k: drive stuff in the "Common Area" folder.

PLEASE be aware that sharing of files is cheating and that it will very likely be detected. So, please don't do it. Let's role play.

Gallant: "Hi Goofus"
Goofus: "Yeah. Whatever. Hey, can I make a quick copy of your database file. Don't worry, I'll change the name and the font and such."
Gallant: "No way, Jose. First off, that would be cheating and second off I think old man Krieger would catch us."
Goofus: "Professor Bill? That fossil couldn't catch my grandmother. Plus, if we get caught, then I'll take all the blame."
Gallant: "That's not how it works. If I let you copy my file, then I'll get burned just as bad as you when we get caught. Did I mention that this isn't the right thing to do in the first place?"
Goofus: "Well, what the heck am I supposed to do?"
Gallant: "You can definitely ask me questions or show me what problems you are having. If I can't help you, then you should email Professor Bill with your questions. That guy is one smart cookie."
Goofus: "Yeah, I guess."
Gallant: "And bringing a shiny, red apple to class doesn't hurt either. Have a nice day!"
Goofus: "Jeez. Hey, do you want to see my fake ID?"

Hmm. That was weird. What a Highlights magazine flashback.

please... yow, bill

back to IFS 106... wtkrieger@noctrl.edu