IFS 106 Homework #6

Forms, pivots, multi-field primary keys

Due Wed Oct 11, 2006

One problem from Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 each.

Database Instructions

Chapter 5

ITL1 (page 306)

Add cool date and memo data types, create a custom form


Chapter 6

ITL1 (page 368)

Please start with step 4... you can ignore the switchboard and macro stuff. Try to add the new Reorder table and then create a pivot table and pivot chart that looks (pretty much) like their example.

Please note that we've neglected Birds2U for a couple chapters, so our "Birds" will be slightly different from the book's version. You can start with your old Birds2U, or I have copied a "nice" Birds2U to my common_area, homework/homework06 folder as well.

Some chaos you may run into:

  • You'll have to create relationships to get this to work.
  • Some of the Supplier and Item codes will be missing. You can either add the necessary guys to your tables or change the codes to reflect Suppliers and Items that you already have. I did the latter.
  • If a field is missing (ala Fax Number), then you can ignore it.

We'll review homework #6 in class.

thanks... yow, bill

back to IFS 106... wtkrieger@noctrl.edu