IFS 106 ArchiveLog of lectures past from the main page Sat Oct 14, 2006The project is due by the end of the day. Please place everything on your k: drive. If you have hardcopy to turn in, then drop by my office and either 1) place it in my mail box or 2) slide it under the door. Make sure your name is on it! I forgot to mention grades. I will be entering your grades on Merlin by early next week. You can check Merlin, but last year the first 5-week class didn't show up until the end of the 10-week term... dop! Anyway, if you want to know your grade, then stop by and see me or email me. gracias... yow, bill Fri Oct 13, 2006Final exam. Come early. Stay late. Details:
thanks... yow, bill PS - remember that your project is due Saturday! Wed Oct 11, 2006We'll review homework #6. My solutions to homework #5 and #6 are available in the common_area of the k: drive. Prepare for der Final exam-enhoggen. Dop. We'll head up to zee lab and I'll help with anything/everything. zieg... yow, biel Mon Oct 9, 2006Lecture on Chapter 6 in the lab, probably:
monday monday... yow, bill PS - Homework #6 is up. Sun Oct 8, 2006On Sunday afternoon, I will be hosting Computer Science Pizza night. It's from 5-7 in Carnegie 111 and 113, the two first-floor offices. Come by, and I'll help you with your DB project or homework or whatever. And the pizza and drinks are free! the proverbial free lunch... yow, bill Fri Oct 6, 2006I will lecture on a couple things:
In the lab, I'll ask each of you to show me your progress on the term project. I'd like to see an idea or two, a possible data source, and even some table sketches. thanks... yow, bill PS - For you planners out there, a sneak peek:
Wed Oct 4, 2006Read Chapter 5, only through to page 273. We'll work lecture like as we did in Chapter 4. I will ask at the beginning of lecture to see your Chapter 5 "Ashton James" example that you completed as you read along with Chapter 5 (through page 273). Then, we'll do some more stuff together in class. yes... yow, bill PS - Homework #5 is up! Homework #5 is due Friday. Mon Oct 2, 2006For this lecture, please read Chapter 4. I want to mix it up a bit, so there will not be a quiz on Chapter 4. Instead, I would like you to complete the two report examples in Chapter 4: the "Client Account Summary" and the "Trainer/Client Report". I will check that you have completed these at the beginning of class; it'll be worth a point. During class, we'll work on the (slightly) more difficult part of Chapter 4, creating a custom form. Yes? run... yow, bill PS - Don't forget that homework #4 is due Monday! PPS - Contrary to some many of the rumors out there, I made it alive through the Chicago HALF Marathon. I'm no Jessica G, but I did OK: www.chicagohalfmarathon.com/results.391.0.html PPPS - Regarding the other rumor floating around... sore or not, there WILL be class today! Fri Sep 29, 2006We'll discuss:
We should have some lab time available for homework #4. thanks... yow, bill PS - Homework #4 is posted and will be due Monday. Wed Sep 27, 2006The Midterm:
yow, bill Mon Sep 25, 2006Please read Chapter 3... we'll have a quickie quiz. You can use your notes. I'll lecture on Chapter 3. I'll preview and take questions on the midterm. run... yow, bill Fri Sep 22, 2006We'll finish up any loose ends (Chapter 1, 2, web pages, Bill MDB, etc), and then head up to the lab. Homework #3 is due, of course. Please read the "Integration Feature" section, pages 173-192. We know most of this stuff from our homeworks, but scan it and we'll cover it in lecture today. thanks... yow, bill Wed Sep 20, 2006I'll finish up lecture on Chapter 2. We should have some lab time to answer your homework #2 questions, if any. For you planners out there, I expect the midterm to be either on Wednesday or Friday of next week. It looks like it will cover Chapter 1, Chapter 2, that Integration Feature section and some other minor stuff. Just FYI. thanks... yow, bill PS - I forgot to mention that the XML import in homework #2 is discussed in our textbook on pages 187-189. Mon Sep 18, 2006Please read Chapter 2. We will have a short quiz on this material. You may use your copious notes. I will lecture on Chapter 2, and and chapter/homework #1 cleanup that I feel is necessary. We'll finish off the Bill Movie DB example. have a great weekend... yow, bill Fri Sep 15, 2006Homework #1 will be due at the end of class. In lecture, we'll continue to pound DB examples, en route to making y'all database experts. I'll preview Chapter 2. thanks... yow, bill PS - Here's the ITS web site on accessing Noctrl drives from home/dorm: http://its.noctrl.edu/updates/msg00425.shtml Wed Sep 13, 2006Our second class! Please read chapter 1 before coming to class. I recommend that you complete the database example in the text as you go along. We will have a short quiz on this material; I'll ask you to create a database in Access. You can use any of your chapter 1 notes. Homework #1 (due Friday) deals with creating databases and also importing databases from "outside" sources. I have some notes here that you may find helpful: Prof Bill's Notes: Creating and Importing DB's thanks... yow, bill PS - Homework #1 is posted and due Friday. Mon Sep 11, 2006Our first class! We'll meet: 10:40 am at Carnegie 13. The agenda, you ask... we'll:
race you there... yow, bill Aug 14, 2006Even though it's still tentative, try the syllabus for more information on IFS 106. Please email if you have any questions or comments. Our first class is Monday September 11th, 10:40 am in room 13 Carnegie. Race you there! thanks... yow, bill |
back to IFS 106... wtkrieger@noctrl.edu |