CSC 210 Homework

All homework assignments and programs will be listed here. Enjoy!

PROGRAM #5... May 13, 2006

Program #5 - Shortcut ... Dikstra's Algorithm for the shortest path through a graph

It's due in 2 weeks... on Saturday May 27th.

PROGRAM #4... May 6, 2006

Program #4 - ... fun with hash tables

It's due in one week... on Saturday May 13th.

PROGRAM #3... Apr 22, 2006

Program #3 - Twenty Questions ... a game with decision trees

It's due in two weeks... on Saturday May 6th.

PROGRAM #2... Apr 8, 2006

Program #2 - Drawable Shapes ... fun with inheritance and ADT's and Lists and oh my!

Hey, it's due in two weeks... on Saturday April 22nd.

Also, I changed the format... ahhhhhh. All the setup stuff is at the bottom now.

PROGRAM #1... Apr 1, 2006

Program #1 - Recursive Trees ... Program #1 is a recursive tree drawing program. Yes, it's fun.


CSC 210 Spring 2006 Coding Guidelines ... I will ask that you follow these minimal (well, pretty minimal) guidelines when you write your programs.

Prof Bill's Coding Notes ... And finally, some general observations for you. This is basically a stack overflow on things I was trying to remember about Java and jGRASP and recursive trees and well, everything.

PRE-CLASS NOTES... Feb 28, 2006

A couple notes... some of your homework will be programming, some not. I do feel that usually the best way to learns something is to do it.

For programming assignments, our language of choice will be Java. I recommend the CSC 160/161 textbook "Java Software Solutions, Fourth Edition" by Lewis and Lofton, if you don't already have it. This text is not required, however.

There are two IDE's for Java that are available in the labs at North Central. They are:

I don't care which IDE you use. I am leaning toward JGrasp myself. It seems smaller and less intrusive, but I have not used it extensively... yet! You can download either of these guys onto your computer at home, if you like.
