

Lab meets Wednesday nights in Science Bldg room 106.

CSC 480 lab assignments, in reverse chronological order:

Lab #9... Feb 27, 2002

The big enchilada... the whole magilla... Bill Krieger's and Robby Krieger's favorite lab:

Lab #9 - This is the end...

Lab #8... Feb 20, 2002

Count the memories... using a counter and EEPROM, of course:

Lab #8 - Count the memories

Lab #7... Feb 13, 2002

Lucky seven... ALUs and control words for this lab:

Lab #7 - Lucky Seven

Lab #5/6... Jan 30, 2002 & Feb 6, 2002

The "Put your left foot in, take your left foot out" lab will exercise our knowledge of latches and flipflops. We'll do some sequential circuit design using JK flipflops!

Lab #5 - Put your left foot in, take your left foot out lab

Lab #4... Jan 23, 2002

The "See Jane Add... add Jane add" lab will exercise our knowledge of binary addition and subtraction, using 1's and 2's complement representations.

Lab #4 - See Jane Add... add Jane add lab

Lab #3... Jan 16, 2002

The "Xor-scuse me" lab (en homage to Steve Martin?)... explore the inner workings of exclusive-or (XOR) gates and logic.

Lab #3 - Xor-scuse me lab

Lab #2... Jan 9, 2002

I call this my "Necessity" lab... what can you build with only 2-input NAND and NOR gates. Our book says any digital system can be built with a NAND gate (p. 64 halfway down the page... "The NAND gate is said to be a universal gate..."), and we shall test this bold statement somewhat.

Enjoy this link for details...

Lab #2 - Necessity is the mother of all invention lab

Lab #1... Jan 2, 2002

This lab was an introduction to the logic boxes.