Content Guidelines

"Content" is the information that you are presenting in your web site.

Thes following guidelines are (sort of) listed in order of importance:

Clear organization The hierarchy of pages within your web site should be as simple and clear as possible.

How will users traverse between back and forth between the pages in your site?


Consistent style Use a consistent font, font size, and font color within your page.

FrontPage provides "themes" to help you do this.


Make contact information easy to find Make your email, address, or other contact information very easy for users to find

Email should be especially prominent


Put the important stuff at the top of the page Don't make the user scroll to find necessary information on your page


Highlight your homepage If your homepage (usually index.htm) leads users to many different areas on your site, then make the appearance and style of the top homepage stand out


Avoid fixed-width pages Express size (like table size) in terms of percent, not pixels, so that your page will still work with various browser window sizes

Many sites successfully use fixed width pages, but if there's no specific reason to do it, then make your page more flexible


Avoid "splash screens" An initial screen with no content, just graphics or animation, irritates many people

If you're developing an art-related site, then maybe something like this is more palatable


Use images as links Where possible (and appropriate), use images to communicate... associate hyperlinks to images as well


Avoid redundant content Try not to say the same thing in multiple places


Avoid exclamation points and CAPS! Don't shout at your user... too often


Avoid single-item bullets
Like this


"Heading 1" is often too big

See. Now that's big

... even for a title



Next slide ... or back to the Title slide