
How's this for obvious statement of the day:

The pictures you choose for your web site 

are important in determining how good it looks.

Image Sources

You can find or create images in many different ways:

Download non-copyrighted images from the web (right-click using your mouse and do a "Save as" to your disk)
Clip art programs
Scan in your own images
Create images using image or photo editing software

The Size of Image Files

You have to be conscious of the size of your image files. 

Today's standard web connection is 56K... 

This means 56,000 bits per second are transferred between your computer and the web server.
In practicality, this is lucky to be 48K bits... or 6K bytes (8 bits in a byte)
So, in 10 seconds you may download around 60 KB of data

So, if you want fast (in the 10 second area) downloads, then keep your image files in the 20-50 KB range.

Three ways to control the size of your image files:

  1. Size of the image (smaller image -> smaller file, eh)
  2. Choice of file type (GIF or JPEG)
  3. Choice of file compression (in JPEG)

Image File Types

The two most common image file types are:

GIF - pronounced "jiff"
JPEG - pronounced "jay-peg"

We'll examine these in detail...


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