I (well, the course) assumes that you have some familiarity with Microsoft
This is good because:
- Much of basic FrontPage stuff is similar to Word
- File menu
- Edit menu
- View menu
- Insert menu - well, most of it
- Format menu - again, mostly
- Also, a lot of the "Toolbars" have symbols you will recognize
- We'll be hitting the Tools, Table and Frames menus later
What we are skipping (for now)
The main areas of FrontPage that we are saving for later:
- FrontPage "Webs"
- These are used to create and manage multi-page web sites. It's pretty
complicated... we'll hit this after covering all the basic things you
can do to one or two web pages
- Tables for formatting
- HTML defines a "table" tag that is used for more
sophisticated formatting of web pages. Your page may look a little linear
(like this one, eh) until we hit tables
- Frames
- A fancy way to show multiple pages on the screen at once
- Higher-level HTML constructs
- Most of these are in the Insert menu... forms, components, dynamic
HTML, etc
File menu
All the basic stuff:
- File/New - create a new page
- File/Save - save the page
- File/Save As - save the page to a specific file
- File/Close - done working with the page
- File/Page Setup - printing controls
- File/Print - Print the page (though you usually want to do this from a
- File/Exit - Done!
Ignore the open/close "webs" stuff in FrontPage for now...
Edit menu
Like falling off a log:
- Edit/Undo
- Edit/Redo
- Edit/Cut - or <control-x>
- Edit/Copy - or <control-c>
- Edit/Paster - or <control-v>
- Edit/Delete - remove what's selected
- Edit/Find - find text on the page
- Edit/Replace - find and replace text on the page
View menu
Of interest now:
- View/Toolbars - most are formatting shortcuts
- View/Reveal Tags - cool and educational (if not useful) feature that shows
the HTML tags you are using in your page
- View/Refresh - if files outside of FrontPage (images, backgrounds, etc)
change and you want to update your view
Most of the Views menu items are for "webs" usage only.
Insert menu
- Insert/Break - inserts a <br> line break tag
- Insert/Horizontal Line - inserts a <hr> horizontal ruler tag
- Insert/Picture - inserts an image from Clipart or a local file
Format menu
- Format/Font - cool and pretty much just like Word
- Format/Paragraph - rarely used in web pages
- Format/Bullets and Numbering - change list appearance
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