CSC 230Syllabus |
*Syllabus* ... |
Class LogisticsClass meets Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30-8:20 pm at Carnegie Hall, room 13. Our textbook is "Discrete Methematics and Its Applications", Fifth Edition, Kenneth H. Rosen. The publisher's web site for the text is: The official class description, straight from the North Central web site:
InstructorMy name is Bill Krieger. I am a part-time professor in the Computer Science department at North Central College. My email is My North Central web site is there's a link to our class web site there. My office is located at 309 Carnegie. My office hours this term are Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-5:00. Please see/email me if these hours are not convenient for you, and we will work out a better time to meet. GradesYour final grade will be comprised of the following:
To clarify, class participation will include completion of reading assignments, preparation of notes, coming to class and contributing. The standard North Central grading scale will be used:
Material CoveredThis plan is tentative:
The material in Chapters 10 and 11 will be covered last, so it we run short on time, this is where we will cut material covered. |