About Project Odyssey

Our project team consists of 13 seniors majoring in computer science at North Central College, led by a computer science faculty member, as part of the program's capstone experience. Our project involved creating a scheduling assistant for Sharing Connections. Professor Bill and Jennifer D met with the folks at Sharking Connections to make sure we understood their current process in order to best translate that to a web application. Once preliminary mockups were made, we got to work creating the application's front-end design and back-end functionality.

During development, we used Agile and Scrum methodologies, which emphasize individuals over processes, working software over documentation, customer collaboration, and quick responses to changes. To build the front-end user interface, our Bootstrap team used the Bootstrap framework, which includes a library of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools to create dynamic, stylish applications. The product's back-end was written using Ruby on Rails, a powerful, modern programming language and framework for web-based applications.

Throughout the whole process, our team collaborated using the Slack application to communicate outside the classroom and GitHub platform to store and share our code. We also used the Cloud9 web-based development environment, which allowed us to easliy access the project from anywhere and integrate with GitHub.

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Team 1

  • Rachel R - Team Leader, Reports
  • Jennifer D - Ruby & User Experience Leader
  • Nicholas D - Bootstrap Team
  • Emily H - Bootstrap Team
  • Mark P - Home, Architecture
  • Bilal A - Schedule, Architecture
  • Eric Z - Git Master, Login

Team 2

  • Nick O - Team Leader, About
  • Chase S - Git Master
  • Charlie M - Admin
  • Kyle L - Home
  • Gerardo P - Reports