CSC 230 — Winter 2019

Welcome to Discrete Math ☺


Here's the important stuff...

  • Daily schedule: CSC 230 schedule (gdoc)
  • Email is best:
  • Office hours: Tu, Th: noon-1:00 (after class), either in our classroom or the Faculty Smoking Lounge, Science 113.
  • Extra Important: I am absolutely available to help you outside of office hours. Just email me!
  • Syllabus: syllabus.pdf



Homework assignments and solutions...

Class organization... tables of homeworks, PK presentations, and student teams:

Class Tables - second half

Class Tables - first half

The class schedule is divvied up into thirds. Here's the plan.

Lecture by Thirds



Stuff that doesn't fit, etcetera...

Educational resources

Educational resources that we used in class:

General resources

General resources I used during class:

Class development resources

Resources I used to develop our class:

Website resources

Resources I used on this website include:

thanks... yow, bill

"Blue Morning3"