CSC 210  

  Data Structures & Algorithms  

About - syllabus, schedule, and more

The BIG three:

My name is Bill Krieger, and I'm driving the CSC 210 bus this term.

Lecture - my lecture notes

Our book has a website that includes some chapter notes, etc:

Here's my extra lecture blather for all chapters up to the Midterm:

Chapter Notes - Midterm (pdf)

My lecture notes for the second half:

Chapter Notes - Second Half (pdf)

Programs - the fun part of class

Here are two important links for all our programming work. Easy and important.

Here we go:

Etc - everything else, mostly links

Blah blah blah.

Data Structures - "visualising data structures and algorithms through animation" - the data structures class at Illinois - a class at Iowa that uses our textbook - This is our MOST VALUABLE resource... great visualizations and animations of many of the data structures and algorithms that we are studying. Huzzah!

Potpourri - I used Bootstrap to build this page - I used a Bootstrap theme called One Page Wonder - this page got me revved up about give Piazza a try