Miscellaneous resources for our class.
Java Snippets File - Java information and examples created by our class, for our class
Java 1.7 API Specification - When coding, I often have a browser tab open with Oracle's Javadoc summaries of the standard Java classes
Debugger 101 - My (very short) Java debugging tutorial
Prof Bill Java Coding Guidelines (pdf) - My Java coding guidelines for students in my class
Accessing Network Drives via Internet Browser - Noctrl's tutorial on accessing your North Central College files from home. And here's the Noctrl external drives link: https://drives.noctrl.edu/
webmail.noctrl.edu - allows you to access your Noctrl email through your browser
www.jetbrains.com/idea - We have NetBeans and Eclipse here at noctrl. Here's a new IDE that is getting a lot of attention these days amongst Java developers.
www.jfree.org/jfreechart - is a nice, free charting package for Java. It has a bit of a steep learning curve but is very powerful.