Prof Bill Dry Technical NoteDTN #2 - Your Noctrl Web PageCreate your own North Central College web page Step 1: Creating a pageDid you know that all Noctrl students have space (10MB, I believe) for their own web page? And I'll go further than that... it's a really sweet setup, so let's try it. How's this for easy:
You're done... well, sort of. At least, you have a simple page on the internet. Don't believe me? Go to your browser and type: <your first name>.<your last name> So, if your name were Michael Jordan, then your URL (web page address) would be: If you're not seeing your own simple "Hello, World" page, then double check your typing. If that fails, then see me. Step 2. Spruce up your pageOK, let's spruce up that austere page a little. You should find the Microsoft web page editor, FrontPage, on all the lab computers. Try the Star button in the lower right and look for it. If you've used Microsoft Word, the a lot of FrontPage will look familiar. Go ahead, open your w:/index.htm file and change some text and fonts and colors... whatever. Do a File/Save and then reload your page in a browser to see how it looks. The hardest thing that I'll probably ask you to do is to create a hyperlink to a DB report or query. In FrontPage, you create a hyperlink in a web page using the Insert/Hyperlink menu. I dare you to play with this stuff for a couple hours and not enjoy it. Some easy stuff to try:
Step 3: Publishing your pageNorth Central keeps an index of student web pages at: Here are the directions to add your page to the index... basically, page to the bottom, step #6, and save a file called publishme.txt to your w: drive: That's it. Please email me any questions you may have. thanks... yow, bill | ... |