CSC 210 Favorites 

Useful links and such  

Course favorites

Nov 26, 2007

I'll post links to our favorite edu-macational web sites here. Follow this crappy intra-page road map:

Java stuff ~ 


thanks... yow, bill

Java stuff

Here are some useful Java-related sites:

  • The Sun Java API is must-have when Java programming: 
  • I recommend that you use NetBeans are your Interactive Devlopment Environment (IDE) this term. NetBeans is pretty much available on all the machines in Carnegie, but if you want it at home or whatever, then you can get it here:
  • If you want a smaller IDE (disk, memory, cpu) for home or wherever, then try jgrasp at:
  • We'll use Javadoc in our class to describe our code in English. Sun's official page for Javadoc is: The wikipedia page actually offers a really nice summary here as well:

Our course at U of I

If we can do almost as well as the big boys in Champaign, then that's not so bad. some links:

  • At U of I, our course is called CS 225. Here are the "course topics": 
  • Here's last semester's flavor of CS 225:

I think the biggest difference between us and Illinois is programming language... they use C++. That's not too big a deal.

Our course topics are very similar. We will both take practical approaches. They do 7 programs in a semester; we'll do 5 programs in a trimester. I don't see us emphasizing memory management as much as they do, however. to be honest, I'm not sure why they are emphasizing it as much as they do.

About this site

In stealing, I mean, creating this web site, I used a number of great open source and/or public domain web sites. These are some really wonderful resources out there:

  • is a great collection of public domain photos that I've used in my headers
  • is an awesome resource. They have thousands of CSS/XHTML web site templates available for nada. I have used this site in the past and browsed then, until I found what I liked.
  • is a small site with a number of free web template. I used one of these as the basis for my course site.
  • is the web page editor that I'm using right now. It's good, not great. It's free, and it gets the job done.

go... yow, bill