Archive for January, 2008

The real first post

Monday, January 14th, 2008

I got an email last week from ITS that this blogging facility was now available to Noctrl professors for their classes. So, let’s give it a try, OK?

Week 3, Day 2… A New Blog

The biggie today is that your Program #1 is due. We’ll start class by showing off everyone’s r-trees… so please have everything loaded up onto your web page.

Ack, I’m late for a lunch appointment. I’ll finish this later.

Hi, I’m back… inserting an image.

Well, that was kind of a pain. Hmmm.

In class, we shall:

  • Wrap Chapter 4 on Lists
  • Start in on Chapter 1, Software Design

Program #2 is available: Program #2 GUI of a List of DrawablShapes

run… yow, bill

For next time - Please read Chapter 2 Efficiency and Chapter 5 Stacks. Also, work on Program #2 and bring your progress (hand-written notes or UML diagrams or whatever) to class.

Also, please try and leave a comment on this blog. You should be able to. Cough. We’ll see how this feels next time. Thanks!

Hello world!

Monday, January 14th, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!