Archive for February, 2008

Sort of helping you

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Hey all,

We will discuss Chapter 10 Sorting on Monday. Read and be prepared to do examples, right off the bat! It’s going to have to be quicker than usual because of time lost during the term. No, I’m not talking about my prattling… I’m talking about New Years Eve and our “Snow Night”.

Here are two online resources that may also help you:

1. Wikipedia summary of sorting algorithms:

2. Nice tutorial applets for the sorts we’ll cover:

thanks… yow, bill

Program #5. Corndog. Good times.

Thursday, February 28th, 2008


It was good to put some group time in on Program #5. Corndog. I mention in lecture that you can ditch MazeInt, and that’s fine. Move that stuff into AbstractMaze and you’ll be fine. Use AbstracMaze as your class of choice, where you can.

I also want to clarify… if you want to change AbstractMaze from my setup, that’s fine. Corndog. Maybe you’d like an interface with methods like addWall(), removeWall() or whatever. That’s fine.

I will be in my office (Corndog) some time on Friday… email me and we’ll meet. I’ll also be available via email all weekend.

thanks… yow, bill corndog

PS -Mai Tai!

Week 10, day 1… sort of balanced

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Oh boy,

Chapter 11 Balanced Trees - Our grande finale, Homework #9, is due. We’ll roll through that homework and any other Chapter 11 critters I think we missed.

Chapter 10 Sorting - Read this material please. Lecture on this sorting stuff will be brief; it’s pretty easy stuff. I’ll take questions, and then we’ll focus almost exclusively on examples. Read the chapter, take notes and be prepared to do your part when the daunting finger of justice points your direction. Spoon!

Program #5 - I’ll take any and all questions. Your maze files are due Wednesday.

pant pant… yow, bill

Week 9, day 2… a balanced lecture

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008


Two things on Feb 27, 2008:

  1. We’ll discuss Chapter 11… red-black 2-3 and AVL trees.
  2. And end up with a lively discussion of Program #5, Corndog.

smile… yow, bill

My Program #4 solution

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Hi guys,

My Program #4 solution is up on the k:drive. No applet for this assignment.

The javadoc, with my source code lit up, is here:

thanks… yow, bill

Some help “out there”

Friday, February 22nd, 2008


I like referring to the Internet as “out there”… I think it’s an old guy thing.

These are some links to web sites out there that may help you understand/follow some of the data structures and algorithms that we’ve been covering recently in class.

Wikipedia has a lot of nice introductory summaries of stuff like this:

Here’s another class of sites, educational applets that usually show an algorithm or data structure in action:

  • Dijkstra, Prim’s, and Kruskals applets:

  • AVL, Red-black and splay tree applet:

  • 2-3-4 tree applet:



  • B-tree, red-black, etc applet:


That’s it. That’s enough. Thanks.


Have a great weekend reading, appleting and coding!

enjoy… yow, bill


Week 9, day 1… run, Forrest, run

Thursday, February 21st, 2008


Is that the finish line up there? Go:

  • Homework #8 on the Chapter 12 schtuff is due at the beginning of class.
  • I’ll have your Program #4 graded and mine posted and all the chickens will be milked and cows fed and smiley and blah blah blah… I hope!
  • I’ll take any and all Program #5 questions.
  • Please read Chapter 11. This is challenging material and will consume the bulk of lecture. Dig in!

Sweet lunar eclipse last night. The ancient Greeks used to believe that an eclipse of any kind indicated superior teaching/education. Huh? And these: - nice pictures - NASA blathering

thanks… yow, bill

Program #4 update… people helping people

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

Hey all,

Two changes to the requirements for Program #4

  1. No printout - Since the program is due Friday, you don’t need to print out any code. I’ll print your hash table when I come in to grade it this weekend.
  2. No applet - Also, you don’t need to post your Program #4 as an applet on your web page. In fact, Java won’t let you… successfully. Java security won’t allow you to access local files from an applet running in your browser. I will run your program from the k: drive. Thanks to Joe B for the inquiry on this!

So, make sure everything is loaded up in the k: drive, and you should be OK.

People helping people.

thanks… yow, bill

Program #5 - Project Corndog

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Hey guys,

Project #5, coined Project Corndog, is up:

Program #5 - Project Corndog

We’re delving into the world of mazes. Others have already traveled down this cool path. See?

It’s tough to be cranky when you type Corndog. Corndog. Lower case? corndog. corndog. Works!

try it… yow, bill

Week 8, Day 2… curse this global warming!

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008


We will wrap Chapter 12 Graphs with the fun stuff: some BFS, DFS, shortest path, min spanning tree, etc.

Then, we’ll huddle around the campfire and tell scary stories about Program #4.

amen brother… yow, bill

PS - Program #5… coming soon!