Archive for March, 2008

That’s a wrap

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

My 210 brothers,

I have graded the Final Exam and entered the grades into Merlin. I don’t know that that means you have access to them, however. If you want your grade, you can email me. If you have questions about the Final Exam or your grading, then we can meet… just email.

That’s a wrap, so have a great break!

mai tai… yow, bill

Final Exam tonight!

Monday, March 10th, 2008

Hey all,

CSC 210 Final Exam is 6:00 tonight. BYOC… bring your own caffeine.

I’m in my office from 10 to noon today. I’ll also be here by 5:00 at the latest, if you have any last-minute stumpers.


study… yow, bill

Have a Corndog… solution

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

Hey all,

My Program #5 Corndog solution is on the k: drive and here:

Prof Bill’s Corndog Applet

Javadoc with the code lit up is on that page as well.

Thanks to everyone for schlepping in on a Saturday morning.

thanks… yow, bill

PS - I have office hours Monday morning from 10:00 to noon. Email me with any questions/problems as well!

PPS - Final exam is 6:00 Monday night. Study hearty!


Corndog mazes for everyone!

Thursday, March 6th, 2008


Here’s a zip of the common_area/program05/mazes folder on the k: drive.

There’s a README file in there for you to read as well.

good luck… yow, bill

PS - See you Saturday!

Final Exam details

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

Hey all,

The “official” final exam schedule is here:

Our exam is Monday March 10, 2008 from 6:00-8:00 pm… please note the start time is 30 minutes earlier than our normal class, just to screw you up and add more pressure to the process. They didn’t change location on us though… same old room, Carn-diggy 113.

I expect the format of the Final Exam to be pretty similar to the Midterm. Some other important details are:

  • The final is worth 30% of your final grade.
  • You are encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes for new material… and your old page of notes from the Midterm. You are not allowed to use your book, calculator, or neighbor.
  • The exam is comprehensive with a strong emphasis on the second half material:
    • Chapters 8-12
    • Programs 3-5
    • Any other stuff covered in lecture: disjoint sets/forest, skip lists, huffman trees, etc.

I will be available via email all weekend. If you need to meet, please email me, and we will schedule a rendezvous. I will be in my office Monday morning from 10:00 to noon.

thanks… yow, bill

Week 10, Day 2… the last lecture

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008


Last lecture… go:

  • Due - your program #5 maze file… please email me your file before class
  • Student evaluations
  • Final Exam preview and any questions
  • We’ll do one more example of each sort… unless you don’t want to
  • Cleanup: Huffman trees and skip lists
  • Program #5 help


later… yow, bill

PS - A nice summary site for us: … can you say handouts? Yes!

Program #5… file help and Saturday schedule

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Hey guys,

File Help

We talked about this at lecture.Here’s some help reading and writing maze files:

In there, you’ll find my read/write methods. These will help you better understand the bit masks in our maze files. This file will not compile for you as is. You need to gut the thing to use your Maze class and methods. Please post any questions.

Saturday Schedule

Here’s the Saturday March 8 schedule for Program #5 grading:

  • 11:00 - Chris C
  • 11:15 - Chris F
  •  11:30 - Mr. Woods
  • 11:45 - Jeff D
  • Noon - Nick P
  • 12:15 - Alex
  • 12:30 - Joe B
  • 12:45 - Joy
  • 1:00 - Victoria

Let’s plan on meeting in the 2nd floor lab.

thanks… yow, bill