What I Did Last Summer

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  1. Login using your Noctrl user name and password
  2. Then, add the following information to this page: your name, your major, your school year (frosh, grad student, etc), where you work or if you're just a student, then what are your extracurricular activities, and finally, what you did last summer.
  3. There are two requirements for your description: it has to be funny, and it can't get me fired.

So, add yourself to the end of the list (fifo, eh). I don't know what this thing is going to do if more than one person tries to edit a page. We'll find out I guess.

NAME: Bill Krieger

MAJOR: Major pain in the… I mean, Computer Science

GRADUATE: I got my MSCS at UIC in 1997… BSCS from UIUC in 1983

WORK: I work here part-time at Noctrl, and I also work at St. Ethelreda School in Chicago.

THIS SUMMER: The funniest thing I did this summer was to go on vacation with the kids to Myrtle Beach and Atlanta. BTW, the brand, spanking new Georgia Aquarium ( http://www.georgiaaquarium.org ) is must-see in Atlanta. I also met a hot, new girlfriend named Kim. (Can I say that in a class?) My work stuff was primarily preparing for this class (ha, ha, ha), and I started my gig at St. Ethelreda School. I did this web site, for example: http://www.stethelreda.org.

NAME: Andrew Braga

MAJOR: Computer Science and Business Management

GRADUATE: June 2008

WORK: At International Truck and Engine and Village of Glen Ellyn during the winter months being Mr. Plow.

THIS SUMMER: I played some golf, worked my internship, but most importantly won some drag races with my diesel truck over a couple of rice burners, ie Subarus. Other than that I relaxed and rode my motorcycle and drank some beers since I turned 21 July 1.

NAME: Kelsey Wiseheart

MAJOR: Computer Science

GRADUATE: June 2009

WORK: International Truck and Engine as an IT intern, where I draw diagrams and build bizarre programs that are all subsequently held up by red tape and never finished.

EXTRACURRICULARS: I'm the Vice President of COW (Cardinals on Wheels, because commuters are awesome)

THIS SUMMER: I worked 90% of the time. The other 10% was devoted to geeking and a trip to Saugatuck, MI with my mom. It was really pretty but there wasn't a lot to do, so the highlight of the trip was being hit in the head with a kayak.

NAME: Adam Rheingans

MAJOR: Computer Science

GRADUATE: June 2009

WORK: I worked at a Data Center for International Truck & Engine up in Wisconsin over the summer. I will resume work at their headquarters this fall as soon as they remember what my job was.

EXTRACURRICULARS: Treasurer for BreakAway, a group that facilitates and organizes mission trips on campus. We are always looking for more people to go on them! Everyone should talk to me in class!!!

THIS SUMMER: I worked a lot, hung out in forests a lot, visited springs, made some wine, went on an all-expense paid trip to Dallas, and got stranded in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for four days. It was all very pleasant.

NAME: Brannon Hall

MAJORS: Computer Science & Applied Mathematics

GRADUATE: June 2008

WORK: I work for SSS Research, Inc., a software company that focuses on geospatial & tracking, Web 2.0 applications.

EXTRACURRICULARS: I am a math tutor for Students Promoting Success (Academic Support Center). Spring 2007, I tutored for College Algebra. This term, I am tutoring for Calculus 1.

THIS SUMMER: I landed an internship at SSS Research, Inc. As you have probably already guessed, they have since hired me to work part-time during the school year. I also worked for my dad who owns a manufacturing company in West Chicago, IL.

Name: Jeff Dawson

Major: Computer Science

I work for Federal Express in Ground Operations Planning which is pretty much how I spent my summer(Planning Stuff). I did manage to breakaway from work 1 weekend and visit Galena, IL with my wife which was very enjoyable. I didn't realize there is a part of Illinois that is not flat.

NAME: Elisa Joy Carrillo

MAJORS: Computer Science & Information Systems (Minor)

GRADUATE: June 2009

WORK: I currently do not work since I just moved to Illinos. I am a full-time transfer student.

THIS SUMMER: I moved to Illinois March 2007 from California and have been busy getting settled into the new house, unpacking and stuff. I've also been busy working on deciding what college to go to and getting registered.

NAME: Phil Trabaris

MAJOR: MBA - expected 2008 which is part of a career change.

WORK: Director of Enterprise Systems for Infinity Resources, Inc. (an ecommerce firm)

THIS SUMMER: I moved 2 of my sons out of our home, and took the youngest son to visit countless colleges. By this time next year my wife and I should have the house to ourselves (Yeah!). At work, I launched our new brick and mortar store, DeepDiscount (now open on Route 59) and I initiated a project to develop a new B-to-B website.

Name: Dave Justice

Major: Management Information Systems

Graduate: Whenever I can finish enough classes. Probably 2009.

Work: I work at International Truck and Engine Corporation implementing PeopleSoft ERP software for the Purchasing organization.

This Summer: What? Summer? I worked a lot. Managed to get in a week of vacation hanging out at “the lake” and water skiing every morning. Was supposed to go hike to the summit of Mt. Whitney ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Whitney ) in Inyo National Forest this summer but we didn't get picked in the lottery (the trails are population controlled). So I'm still looking to get in a big hike before the cold gets here.

NAME: Laura Christiansen

MAJOR: Computer Science (MSCS)

GRADUATE: Early '08

WORK: Argonne National Laboratory in the Decision and Information Sciences division

THIS SUMMER: I worked, biked when I could, and visited a retirement community for former Indiana University faculty. Long story for that last one but did I meet the guy who invented the jump shot. Next year, fingers crossed, I'll have an actual *vacation*.

NAME: Chris Foes

MAJOR: Computer Science

GRADUATE: Early '09

WORK: Student/athlete/computer nerd

THIS SUMMER: This summer I worked at a public pool and was a lifeguard (a.k.a babysitter). Other than that I ran a lot to stay in shape for the upcoming track season and enjoyed the occasional day on the water fishing.

NAME: Chris Cervantes

MAJOR: Computer Science

GRADUATE: June 2009

WORK: As an intern at International Truck and Engine

THIS SUMMER: Worked at my internship mostly, writing business and functional requirements that very few -if any- people will ever read, and one's I'm certainly not going to keep updated. Also spent a significant amount of time studying up on Linux, only to discover -much to my dismay- that I am unable to put it on my new laptop because of an evil triad of partitioned hard drives, warranty restrictions, and recovery software.