
This page describes some software tools we’ll be using and learning this term. Most of the stuff is open source. Most of it is very nice as well. enjoy... yow, bill


If you know C++, but you don’t know Java, then we have something in common. I used to be in your shoes. Here are my thoughts on your transition:

Java is available on all the machines in the lab. If you want to download a copy for your home:

  • Click on Java SE under “Popular Downloads”
  • Download “JDK 6u1 with NetBeans 5.5” for Windows... it’s about a 140MB download and snarfs about 450MB on your machine once installed


You also get NetBeans in your Java download. NetBeans is Sun Micro’s IDE... it’s now open source. NetBeans is huge, but OK. We’ll start it up in class to get you going. From there, it’s mostly just getting your sea legs.


Javadoc will ease your goal of creating quality documentation of your code. The entire Java API uses Javadoc.

Listen, this stuff is popular and powerful because it’s so simple:

  1. Javadoc comments look like this: /*\\* comment in here */
  2. Each class, method and data field in your code should have a Javadoc document
  3. We’ll use the following tags: @param, @return, @author
  4. I’ll put an example in the k: drive


Ant is a tool to help build your programs: compile, link, etc.

Ant is used by NetBeans as well.



CheckStyle scans your Java code and reports

I used the Sun CheckStyle rules, and man is it cranky. We’ll have to work on what rules we want to apply for CSC 457.

CSC 457

Here are some CSC 457-specific programming requirements:

  1. Start your programs early. I will set intermediate goals for each program.
  2. Do not leave documentation (Javadoc) and testing (JUnit) until the end. Our 457 programs are not difficult. We are doing them to experience software development with a little higher level of commitment to creating quality code.
  3. Communicate! It’s OK to talk/email to me, your friends and your classmates about your coding woes. You can’t share code, but sharing problems and solutions is fine.
  4. If you don’t know Java and don’t have a book, then please get one. I’ll help you choose if you like.