CSC 457 Program #1


  • The ante: Worth 5 points, or 5% of your final grade
  • When: Due in 2 weeks, Wednesday April 18th
  • Goals: write some quality software, learn some new tools to do this, (re)learn hash tables

Program #1 will be a rehash (re “hash”, get it?) of a program that I assigned in my 210 class from a year ago. Here’s the link:

We will add to that assignment a requirement that you learn and use a number of cool open source tools:

  • Edit your program using NetBeans,
  • Build your program using Ant,
  • Document your code using Javadoc,
  • Validate (sort of) your Java code using CheckStyle, and
  • Unit test your code using JUnit

You will be graded not only on whether your code works, but also on your:

  • Meeting intermediate goals for the program... i.e. not leaving it till the last night
  • Documentation quality
  • Adherence to our class coding guidelines
  • Unit tests

I guess I am trying to warn you guys that showing up with a crappy hash table in two weeks will not garner you much of a grade. Heck, this was a one week assignment for my 210 guys. I expect a constant effort, with intermediate goals met, and a high-quality final result.

good luck... yow, bill