CSC 457 Lecture

This page will log what I plan on doing in lecture each night. I hope.

Mon Jun 4, 2007

Our Final Exam is from 6:00 to 8:00 in our regular, old room.

Some fun Final Exam trivia:

  • It’s worth 40% of your final grade
  • It’s comprehensive, with a strong emphasis on the 2nd half material
  • It’ll cover: Chapters 6-10, 15, 16, design patterns intro, JUnit, CheckStyle, CodeCoverage, Netbeans Profiler, Ant and Program #2.
  • You can bring 2 sides of notes to this exam... your old one from the midterm and a new set of notes for the new material.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed May 30, 2007

Last regular class. We’ll:

  • Preview the final exam
  • Evaluate ole Prof Bill
  • Hear a mini-lecture from young JG on Ant (Another Neat Tool)
  • I’ll do my own mini-lectures on profilers and design patterns
  • You’ll show me your Program #2, phase 2 work, and I’ll grade it
  • We’ll work together on any final phase 3 concerns that you have and setup a meeting time for the weekend.

That is all.

that’s enough... yow, bill

Wed May 23, 2007

Please read Chapter 16.

yow, bill

Mon May 21, 2007

Please read Chapters 10 and 15. I’ll finish lecture on Chapter 10, and then hit Chapter 15 hard. We’ll also spend time on phase 2 of the programming assignment.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed May 16, 2007

We’ll wrap-up Chapter 9. Program #2, phase 1 is due.

yow, bill

Mon May 14, 2007

Please read Chapter 9. We’ll chat on this material, and I’ll take any question on Program #2.

yow, bill

Wed May 9, 2007

We worked on Program #2 and CheckStyle. yow, bill

Mon May 7, 2007

Two things are due:

  1. Please read Chapter 8
  2. Please complete your first attempt at classes and pseudo-code for Program #2. Email me this weekend if you have any difficulty achieving this.

We’ll spend time on Program #2 answering your questions, and we’ll play with CheckStyle in the lab as well.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed May 2, 2007

Please read Chapter 7 before class. We’ll discuss this material. I’ll hand out and we will also discuss Program #2.

BTW, Program #2 is up at Program 2

thanks... yow, bill

Mon Apr 30, 2007

We’ll review the midterm results, then plunge into the second half with Chapter 6. Please read/note-take Chapter 6 prior to class.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed Apr 25, 2007

How about that Midterm!

  • It’s worth 30 points, 30% of your grade.
  • It’ll cover Chapter 1-5, 11 & 12... Program #1 related stuff like JUnit.
  • It’ll be 90 minutes long.
  • You are encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes to the exam.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Please read Chapter 6 for Monday. Thanks!

PPS - You can email me for your Midterm and Program #1 grade... Friday is the drop date, I believe.

Mon Apr 23, 2007

We’ll preview the Midterm Exam, and you’ll show me the results of your Program #1 work.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed Apr 18, 2007


  • Chapter 4
  • Program #1 talk, and it’s due on Thursday

see ya... yow, bill

Mon Apr 16, 2007

Monday, Monday... so good to me:

  • We’ll chat on Chapter 3
  • I’ll take your Program #1 questions, and we should have some lab time at the end as well.

Remember, I have removed the “CheckStyle” requirement for Program #1. We’ll get that next time. thanks... yow, bill

Wed Apr 11, 2007

Code it up:

  • Please read Chapter 3 by today. We’ll talk about this for a couple minutes
  • Please read the JUnit handout I distributed last class
  • We will spend most of the evening in the lab:
    1. Using CheckStyle and JUnit on our tiny Fibonacci example
    2. I’ll be there to provide help for you on Program #1, which is due in 1 week.

thanks... yow, bill

Mon Apr 9, 2007

It’s go time:

  • I’ll lecture on Chapter 2
  • We’ll head up to the lab to finish our Java/NetBeans/Javadoc/CheckStyle/JUnit intro.

thanks... yow, bill

Wed Apr 04, 2007


  • We’ll have a tiny 1-pointer quiz on hash tables
  • I’ll finish up Chapter 12, OO metrics
  • We’ll talk about Program #1 and then head up to the lab for some fun

Remember, that I expect to run a little long tonight. I want to run some Java examples up in the lab with all y’all. Of course, if you’re already comfy cozy with Java and NetBeans and such, then you can skip out.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - For next time, please read Chapter 2. Also, meet the first checkpoint goals for Program #1.

Mon Apr 02, 2007

Tonight will feature:

  • You guys should be able to edit this wiki now... you have permission to do everything but delete an entire page. I think.
  • I’ll try and answer the cyclomatic complexity question that we had last time.
  • I’ll preview Program #1, which will introduce some of you to hash tables. We’ll also use a number of cool, new tools including Ant, CheckStyle, and JUnit.
  • Chapter 12 - OO Metrics.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - I’ll admit something, if you promise not to tell anyone. I’ve become soft using WYSIWYG editors for all these years. I’m getting the hang of our wiki language though.