IFS 106

   Homework #2

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Homework #2 covers the introductory material in Chapter 1 and the excellent queries in Chapter 2.

Some more databases for you to create from a variety of sources:

Database Instructions
Babbage Bookkeeping ITL 2 (page 59)... start/import with the web page in my data disk: 04_Babbage.htm
Dog Walkers C&P 1 (page 63)... start/import with the Word file in my data disk: 06_DogWalkers.doc
Regional Books C&P 3 (page 63)... start/import with the XML file in my data disk: 08_RegionalBooks.xml
Campus Housing C&P 4 (page 64)... start/import with the text file in my data disk: CampusHousing.txt

And some Chapter 2 work:

Database Instructions
Ashton James College Chapter 2 (pages 66-106)... follow along with the chapter in your own DB
Begon Pest Control AYK 1 (page 109)
Birds2U ITL 1 (page 109)
City Guide ITL 3 (page 111)
InPerson Fitness C&P 2 (page 112)

Please save your database files on the k: drive in a folder named homework02:

thanks... yow, bill


email: wtkrieger@noctrl.edu 

web site: william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu/